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Could Use Some Help...Again

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I posted here awhile ago with one of my problems(I'll post the story again). About a year and a half ago, I got a little crush on this girl. I messed up, and I overheard one of her friends say something like "That kid definitely likes you". I'm assuming that is what caused her to like me. It was obvious that she liked me, but I choked and never talked to her. She seemed to kind of give up after a few months. But I never got over her.


Unfortunately, I'm a moron and didn't take the whole "go talk to her" advice. I still like this girl and I finally plan on taking some action. I've just got a few questions that you guys can hopefully awnser:


I've never been so attracted to someone whom I barely know. I've tried just about everything to get over her, and nothing seemed to work. Why am I drawn to her, and is it possible that she feels remotely the same way about me?


Would it be alright to ask someone(one of my friends, kinda. I can trust him with this at least) if she has a boyfriend?


Thanks in advance.

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you should talk to her yourself. chances are if she liked you before, she probably still does. sounds like the only reason she stopped trying is because she assumed you weren't interested. why would you try to get over her. she liked you and you liked her.

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I do plan on talking to her, even though it won't be easy for me and I'll probably screw it up somehow.


I've never been so attracted to someone whom I barely know. I've tried just about everything to get over her, and nothing seemed to work. Why am I drawn to her, and is it possible that she feels remotely the same way about me?


Can anyone awnser that question, though(the first part of the question)?

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You could be drawn to her for a lot of reasons. Physical attraction (which can be anything from the shape of her body or the look of her face to the way she walks or the way her hair swishes when she turns around to talk to someone in class) is a big one, but I have liked people I didn't know before because I just watched them enough to feel like I knew them. People who are on the louder, more outgoing side are easy to observe. You start to hear how they interact with others, the types of things they say, their sense of humor, their opinions etc...and that could be attractive to you. Or it could be that she is quiet and mysterious in a way...or that you see her reading books you like, or that you think she looks sad a lot and you just want to hug her and make everything okay....

There are just SO many reasons for someone to be attracted to another person. It's kind of something you have to figure out for yourself. Just pay attention to times when that surge of attraction is strong. Do you watch her often? Is there anything in particular that you always see her do and you just find so cute? Have you heard lots of things about what a great person she is from your mutual friend? Just think about it for yourself, because we don't know you or her hehe.


Also, I wouldn't say she neccesarily still likes you. There's a good chance that when she stopped trying, she either started liking someone else, or convinced herself to get over you. BUT, if she once liked you, you have a good chance of rekindling the crush if you just TALK to her and show interest!

So get moving, because if she's developed a new crush, you want to distract her from it before she's taken!

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