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Me and my girlfriend of about a year now have been a break now for about a week . i kind of initiated it because she told me one day that there was someting missing... after that i kinda of realized that i made a mistake and said we should work it by just getting together and talking to see wht was wrong...but she told me i hurt her too bad by saying we should go on a break so she didnt want to get back together right away. We have talked on the phone and things since then... and she says she loves me and wants to get back together but she needs time. but all she has been doing is hanging around her friends all the time and doing things that she would usually never do... and she says she doesnt like hurting me like this but she keeps avoiding talking to me in person... i dont know i guess what im trying to ask is should i keep waiting for her until she wnats to talk me... she says she lvoes me and she sees us getting back together...but is it healthy for me to sit here confused and depressed all the time waiting for her? And also...why did she never do any of these things with her friends when we were together...y just all of a sudden now... i mean we had a pretty balanced relationship with friends i just dont understand y all of a sudden she is spending every second with them??

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well breaks can be normal and if you really do love her, give her just a little bit of time, i'm not saying wait till the end of time, but an ample waiting period is ok. go out and do things with your friends too don't just sit around and look like you are waiting for her. if you did that she might feel like you depend too much on her to have your own life.


again i jus suggest giving it a little bit of time while going out and having some fun yourself with your friends

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sorry but i dont believe in breaks. you either break up and get back together or simply break up. A BREAK IS THE DUMBEST CONCEPT THAT I HAVE EVER HERAD. think about it, a break is suppose to be a time when you can just be by yourself and not be attached but if you have this title "break" that means that you will eventually get back together FOR SURE which means how can either of you think about your future differently or act like your not committed. i mean if your on a break, what does that mean?? are you just friends? can you date other people? when does a break end? its tooo confusing and stupid makes no sense serves no purpose. if you break up and focus on moving on if it was meant to be you guys find eachother again. but a break causes problems because there are no defintions to it. time off? fine break up and not say well i need time because time will change things and one person sits there waiting thinking this time will soon be over. if she needs time tell her thats fine, but that you cannot promise to be committed to her in any way or even to get back with her later because things can change over time and that its fine and you still care about her but for her to not have any expectations and neither will you. its a break up. period. i would suggest you tell her that. if she was that hurt by it and she doesnt want to be with you right now fine. its over. if later you are still interested in her and shes ready then give it antoher try.

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