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telling som1 i like them

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ok well I need some advice on this. I've asked this b4, but i want some more opinions and i dont wanna revive a dead thread.


Ok so there's this girl that ive liked for 3 years but have never told her. Now I wanna tell her. How do i do it without causing any tension (or causing az little as possible).


See, I know she doesnt feel the same way (dont ask how, I just do, and if u dont believe me then just pretend she doesnt feel the same way). Since she doesnt feel the same way maybe she would feel weird or something. Maybe she would think that she was hurting my feelings, idk. Do u see what i mean when i say she might feel weird?


I really dont mind her not feeling the same way, im perfectly fine with it. How do i get this accross.


The reason im telling her, even though i know she doesnt feel the same way, is because ive been keeping these feelings inside for to long, i just have to let them out.


Any advice on how to tell her without causing tension or casuing as little as possible (and yes i am telling her, dont try to talk me out of it). If I tell her it will be either online or on the phone (once again, dont try to talk me out of this).


thanx in advance

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OK, so you tell her and let the feelings out. How will that help you if you know she doesn't return them? Don't you think that could make it worse and not better?


And are you absolutely sure she doesn't return them? It's not usually a good idea to assume you know how someone else feels without fairly strong evidence.

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trust me i do have farely strong evidence


Im not sure it will help me, but i just have to let them out, ive kept them inside for 3 years.


It'll probably make things worse, she'll probably never talk to me again, but like a retard im going to tell her anyways (if i even get the chance =( )

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Why can't you tell us how you know she isn't into you?


Anyway... the best way not to weird her out is to explain to her that you don't want to weird her out and that you don't expect her to return the feelings, and that you just needed to get it off your chest. There's no guarantee she won't feel weird after you tell her that though, but I think that's your best chance.

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