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Getting in shape without going to a gym?

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Alright, Let me start off by saying that I am very skinny. I am about 5'11 weighing about 146 lbs. I know that's pretty small & I am a guy! I really can't go to a gym right now for other reasons.I'm trying to bulk up & get bigger but I know it's going to be a hard task!I have two pairs each of 5 lb,15 lb, 25lb dumbbells.I also have this old walking machine for your legs, I forgot exactly what you call it. I know the main key to bulking is eating alot but I have a real problem doing that. I can basically go a whole day without eating something. Is there anyway to increase my appetite? Also what should my excercises look like & how long I should work on my muscles a day? I'm not trying to look like

Arnold Schwarzenegger or any of those types. I just would like to see some improvements in my body. Bigger arms & just an overall bigger & better body. It's like I know what needs to be done but I'm having a hard time staying motivated & knowing what to do or where to start? So if people know of any excercises or what I should be doing, I would gladly appreciate it!

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I think it might be hard without going to a gym. You basically want to lift (with good form!) a weight that you can only lift 6 to 8 times. I imagine it'll be hard to get such weights without going to a gym. How old are you? it you start lifting heavy weights your appetite will likely increase on its own.

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Going to a gym is the best way because they have the right equiptment. Since you can't, then you will have to work with what you have. I have never had this problem and kind of wish I did. lol Since you are thin, then you can eat anything. I would eat a lot of protein and lots of carbs. I really don't see cardio helping you. I would suggest weight lifting. If you can get a flat bench, then I would use your dumbells and do bench presses and would do a lot of curls. The problem is the you will always need to increase your weights and you don't have access to them. Why can't you go to a gym? I guess we are either too overweight or too thin. i would rather be in your situation. lol Although chicken and beef are great sources of protein, you can also have protein drinks of whey or soy.

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Agree with ocrob. I'm not an expert or anything. When I used to go to a gym, all the machines baffled me. All I found helpful were dumbbells, bench press, tricep pull, and a few leg machines. Since you cant go to a gym, maybe you could look for a bench press somewhere. I bought one a few years ago for around $100 and it was okay. Look for a workout that suits you on the internet. I don't think 5 pound dumbbell will help you much.

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The best way to increase your appetite is by doing a lot of physical work.

I have found since I have started working a physical job, my appetite has increase and so have my muscles without actually working out, and I am a girl.


however, I am built naturally strong... so that helped a lot.. but the more you do stuff, the more hungry you will be.


it also helps to eat stuff you enjoy...like Pizza! haha

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I have read, that if you really want to bulk out, then you basically have to force yourself to eat at first. This causes your stomach to increase in size, and thereforeeee you will get hungry easier. Also, as others say, doing physical exercise helps a lot. So if you start using your weights, you'll start to get hungry


There are heaps of websites devoted to working out, and will explain a lot of good exercises that you can do with your equipment.

Here's a starter... link removed


Good luck

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it's best to go to a gym, or hire a personal trainer for a few weeks to show you what has to be done .


If you can't do the above then start of with what you have . There are a few basic lifts you can do with just the dumbells . Try getting a bench and doing some bench presses for your chest . Some bicept curls for your arms etc .


The best way to go about doing this is to first do some research over the net ( look for some websites about lifting weights ) . Take a look at the available exercises you can do with dumbells .

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Yeah, thakid... ocrob is right on. You're going to have a really hard time bulking up with the weights you have right now. Cardio, while healthy, is going to work against you in the beginning if you try and bulk. You need to be tkaing in a good amount of carbs prior to exercise and a good amount of protein after exercise. You should be eating more often throughout the day. Not just more food. I would *really* recommend you joing a gym and getting a few sessions with a personal trainer that is fmailiar with bulking... they can give you the appropriate exercises and show you the proper forms so that you don't hurt yourself and stick with it.

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