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well, after 4 years my girlfriend broke up with me 3 weeks ago. i really have the gut feeling she doesn't love me or want me any more. i was in absolute BITS after she broke the news, but now i'm feeling alot stronger!!! healthier, confident and back to my own self!!!!


my question is that i have a girl that is very interested in me, she has been a great friend to me and we get on very well. should i go into a relationship? so soon? the thing is i really still love my ex sooo much. but the thing is she is not gonna come back to me..... so what i think is that i might as well move on? i mean there's no point in waiting for her is there? she was contacting me by IM and i told her i didn't think it was such a good idea.. i dont want to talk to her cause its not that healthy, i mean i don't wanna talk to someone that doesn't want me, it's too hard for me. i feel like just moving on...meh....

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There's no "rule" about how long you should wait before dating again. After a 4 year relationship you may find you are carrying more residual feelings than you care to admit to right now so be as honest as you can with yourself about how you are feeling. If you really feel your residual feelings for your ex will not intrude on any new relationship then go for it.


But do be honest with yourself.

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Yeah its a tricky situation to be in.


I'd say don't force the issue. Hang out with your friend, maybe keep it light and friendly, and just get a feel for it.


Melrich is right, be honest with yourself, and also be honest with your friend. Let her know if your not sure about getting into a serious relationship at this moment.


As time goes on, you'll get a better feel for things.

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Well I was in a similar situation I met a new girl a few weeks after the break up. It made me feel great and I believed I would get over my ex soon. But this new girl did not want a serious realtionship and she told me that after the second dates When she told me that I kind of felt I got dumped again because I wanted to start a new relationship. I was hurt an it kind of set me back on the progress that I made to try to get over my ex. I would just suggest to you to take it slow. Don't expect that this new girl that you are interested in will result in a new relationship. Just be careful....and good luck...

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