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What's With This?


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Don't know where to start here...

I guess I'll say everything that's on my mind and just get it out there.


I've been having some moodswings lately. Not sure why at all. I'll start with the positive though. First, I don't hate myself. I really love my character and personality and how I view things in general. In fact, I'm very proud of it all.

Sometimes though all of a sudden without any immediate reason I might start feeling down and view things differently.


Sometimes when I am feeling down, I get this feeling out of nowhere and I tell myself "forget all the worries and stuff and just live life happy." And I do that.

I feel like I'm trying to strike some sort of balance, but it keeps shifting from side to side like on a teeter totter (literally).


It's all so rediculous because I've a lot of things to be proud of. But then again, when I get into that weird mood, it somehow doesn't matter and for reasons beyond me I start feeling unattractive, etc.


I don't know what to do to keep myself steadily on the good side of my mood. The good thing is that most of the time I'm feeling good.


I know that I've written some tips and stuff on how to be happy, and I try to follow them, but I'm not perfect nor am I God. Bad times do come...


As for getting into the talk of depression... I've no idea. I don't think I'm depressed because if I was I'd be feeling down all the time, and that's not the case, I'm just shifting from one side to the other. I guess I'm confused or something.


Wow, took me like 35 minutes to write this. I've been pausing a lot to think about things. Heh...

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I've dabbled in depression as one of my many hobbies.

In a nutshell, ask yourself if your mood fits the prevailing circumstances.

If you just had something positive happen to you but feel blue, or your mood keeps you from enjoying your favorite things, that's a clue.

We all get down for real reasons, but that's to be expected.

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Well, here's the thing. I do enjoy good things and I feel good then. The funny part is that when something small happens, I can get pretty down but that's not all of the time. I guess I'm having trouble with perceiving what's happening (when it's bad and not really a big of a deal).

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I know how you feel. I get this sometimes, I feel really good one day and then a little bad thing will happen and then my mood will go spiralling downwards for days. I used to hate it when it happened. I tried to 'hold on' to my happy mood but inevitably I would just slip down into sadness.


You need to accept that your moods will change. Your emotions will be up and down. You can't control them, so you need to accept them. Always look at the positive side of things and don’t let little things get you down.

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I know how you feel, and its not at all uncommon. Sometimes its better to avoid thinking about things so much. Doing so makes you think of a million things you could have done better. Similarly, it makes you look into things too deeply. Just try and remember to move forward and forget about what bad things may have happened in your past. On a side note, you cant change the past. You can only change the present. So try and move forward and think of all the ways you can improve your life instead of frowning upon mistakes or other negative thoughts.

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