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*** Need help understanding ***

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Well I made a thread a couple days ago. I have had a girlfriend for 4 years and things right now are not going so well because of the things I did in the past . Well today I got a message from her and this is what it says :


"On a rainy day I cant help but miss the few people that I care about, but a smile I still wear for distance can be over come by time , and time is on our side for now. take care and know that you are missed and loved."


I need help understanding this... Please if anyone can help chime in and let me know



Thanks in advanced


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I think it means just what she said, that she wants you to know that you are missed and loved.


And I must suggest you to do nothing about it, unless you have changed all those things you believe caused the break-up, things are already difficult for her, she doesn't need to start the cycle all over again, and neither do you really.

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