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How should I feel about this

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Absolutely not. It could just be some of his friends playin a prank. Do you have any reason not to trust him? If you are concerned, approach him and ask him, but do it with tact. Dont 'implicate' him, or suggest that he is guilty of anything before you get the facts. Doing so will only lead to trust issues.

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I wouldnt be mad..i'd be cautious. It could be very well a few guys playing a joke...or it could be some female playing a joke. The "ha ha" you've been tagged is the one thing that saved him. I wouldnt even tell him I noticed. If you want to catch someone in something...you don't rush them with info..you lay back..(thats if there is something to catch in the first place). In this case..sounds to me like a few buddies playing a prank.

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