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Last chance!

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I like this guy at my son's daycare, and as I have explained in other threads I'm not sure if he's interested in me back. I have gotten signs and etc.. I have to take my son out of the daycare because of financial difficulties and informed this guy this morning that this would be my son's last day. I figured this would be the true test of whether or not he's interested but then again this whole situation has been confusing. If he is truly interested in me, would he or wouldn't he make a move now, especially because after today we won't see each other anymore?

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If he doesn't make a move, then you could casually go out on a limb and say: "hey maybe we can all get together some time for a playdate". Your kids are both in the same daycare, right? They're buddies now. What's the harm in meeting somewhere child-oriented like a park, zoo etc. and having your kids play together while you get to know one another more?


That way you can ask without coming right out and asking him on a "real" date (if that would make you feel vulnerable).


Clearly a playdate involving your kids would show you wanted to see him, but it would be a little less direct.


Some may disagree with me and just tell you to be direct- but the playdate idea is what I'd do if it were me. It all depends on what you feel comfortable with.




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oops.... sorry- I didn't realize that he didn't have any kids himself. Ok so he OWNS it.



You have to say something or you'll forever feel like you missed "the chance". You have nothing to lose. You won;t have to see him again after today.


Just ask him if he'd like to get together some time. He owns the daycare- and you were one of his consumers- so he might think it's unprofessional to ask you.


Just ask! You can do it!!!!!





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Well just say to him "hey we should hang out sometime" and see what happens.Ive read your past threads on this and its pretty obvious the guy is just shy.

ASK HIM!!! You have nothing to lose.

"When were old and lying on our death beds its the things we didnt do that we will regret."-some old dude

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I had to pick up my nephew from the daycare early today because he was sick. When I was in the infant room he started asking if this was my son's last day - even though I told him that this morning - and referred to me by my sisters name. I called him on it and he asked "what did say" and when I told him he apoligized but seemed to find it funny because he kept smiling. He said he was just on the phone with her and got messed up - which he had been. Then I went to take my nephews things and he asked me if I wanted him to carry them up front for me. He seemed to linger awhile around the cubby and of course I said nothing to him. Then he said I'll talk to you later. And of course again I said bye....Quietly - like an idiot wrapped in a moron. Well, I went back to pick up my son and he wasn't there. He was out running errands. At that point I just figured he's not interested. I pick my son up at the same time every day. So he knows when I'll be there - and he didn't make it a point to even be there and say bye to my son. The only problem I have now is why was I getting the feeling he was interested? I could see if I was just obsessive and a stalker; but I noticed him because of what seemed like him noticing me. It was like 2 months after my son started there that I really noticed him.

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This guy likes you!!!!It's funny to me because it is so obvious.You are over thinking this thing so much.He wasn't there when you picked up your son.Well so what.After you picked up your nephew he probably thought to himself "well thats the end of that".

The guy is just shy.I see this all the time my brother is a perfect example.Girls flirt with him all the time and he is just terrified to talk to them or god forbid ask one of them out.Every girlfriend he's ever have has asked him out.

I think you need to just go in there and talk to him.Just say "you know I was thinking, how come we never hangout?"He will say "I dunno".You then say "Well I think we should sometime".And the conversation will just take its self on from there.

This is pattened Andy_Stone material by the way.It always works at getting a number.Id say half the time the person doesnt call back or whatever but so what at least I know I tried and you should feel the same way.

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