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My Aunt acts weird, cruel, abusing.

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I have an Aunt who I was never close with but she always seemed to me like the cool, wild person in my family thats I always wanted to know better. She was always so nice and caring, sweet, smart, etc...


I confided in her about alot of things including my love life. She seemed to be helpful and so nice and loving. then she changed into someone else.

Its weird because in he r calls and emails she is friendly and nice but then when I see her she looks angry and is mean. Sometimes her emails are cutting.


I realize now that it was all entertainment to her and she prob got some good laughs. At the time I had no idea....



I feel like a fool and stupid for confiding in her. I wish I never got involved with her...

How do I get away from her, and stop her emails, what do I say or do?

Shes driving me crazy and making me depressed. I feel trapped in her emails, etc.

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It does not seem like she's someone that can be reasoned with. She sounds like an odd duck.... her oddness is what probably drew you to her in the first place, but now the weirder/dysfunctional side of her is showing through.


I would say she is easy to deal with- she can be ignored. If she sends you e-mails- don't respond or address any of the rude comments. Let a few e-emails collect- and then wait a bit before you reply. Then write something like "I actually will not be checking my e-mail too much anymore, I've been very busy with my WORK, my SOCIAL LIFE....."


Then don't reply anymore.




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She sounds....jealous, lonely spiteful and mierable. Misery loves company so when she gets the idea anyone in your family may do well...or better than her, she feels the need to knock you down a notch or two.


Life is TOO short to be spent around these miserly people. Family or NOT.

These people will suck the life and energy right OUT of you. STAY AWAY FROM her. She wants you too be unhappy..like HER. I say ignore her from now on.


I had seriously BAD alcoholic relatives...they would mooch off anyone that would let them. Did they EVER seem grateful?? NO. They used people.

I disowned them ....and I don't feel bad about it.


Please ...be around people who want you to be happy..and who bring out the best in you. This woman is NOT that kind of person.

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I agree with everything Lefem said.

She sounds like shes off her rocker. I think you got too caught up with her emails. Your being too nice, stay away from her.

In fact if she emails you again, just tell her your not accepting emails anymore. Who cares if she gets mad, shes been so rude to you already.

Avoid her. She sounds nuts.

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Everyone's advice has been wonderful, and good for you for deleting her e-mails. I have the same aunt - we used to be great friends, but now she's just horrible, and I realized a few years ago that she's always been that way. I call people like that "poison," and I simply stay away from them. The longer you're "busy," the longer she'll realize you don't want to talk to her.


I have one thing to add, though. If your aunt's anything like mine, don't expect her to see the error of her ways because of your no contact. She may turn against you, because with self-centered people like that, they don't realize that if everyone else is a jerk, they must be the jerk. Nobody but her children talk to my aunt anymore, and she hasn't realized that it's because she's venomous - she just thinks that everyone else is a big meany. She's got a HUGE victim complex. It will be good for YOU to stay away from her though - it's done wonders for me! Stay strong!

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