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Im 13 and already in love and she doesnt know i exsist

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There is a girl I have a crush on and she dosn't know I exsist. I know what your thinking, just tell her how you feel, right? It's not that easy, I am extremly shy, i cant talk to people I dont know but I'm the most shy around girls, and this ones extremly hot she's like the twin of Jennifer Garner, the actress from ALIAS. What should I do? I'm obsessed with her, she's all I think of and I want her to know this but I just cant figure out how to tell her without her hating me. Please can someone help me?

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Hey man i know exactly what you mean i've been through that. I going through the same thing right now but this girl knows i exist but when i'm right by her she sometimes doesn't even acknowledge it. Anyway my friends give me tons of advice and the one that I think might help is don't regret it because regretting sucks big time take my word for it. You don't want to wonder what if in the future. Just give her a smile when you walk bye her, and if you know her try to become a better much closer friend that she feels comfortable talking to and being around. See i'm a Sophmore in highschool and theres this senior that used to like me, i think, and she used to try and talk to me and never tried talking back and i shes not into me anymore i think and know i regret it so what im trying to say is just don't regret not trying because that sucks even more.


P.S. Good Luck and try to get to know this girl.


LOOK AT MY POST "I NEED ADVICE DESPERATELY" its still on the home page list

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  • 2 months later...

I'm a pretty shy guy around girls. Recently I had to ask someone out for the first time, so that I didn't go insane (she was all I could think of!).


I find that it's a lot easier rather than talk to her face-to-face, to put your feelings into writing, whether it be email, post or SMS text message. this way if everything goes wrong, (which it probably won't), you're not going to be left standing there unsure of what to do. Admittedly the reply takes a little longer, but for me (I sent email) it worked just how I wanted it to. Now I need my post answering about what to do next.

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Hay, its the other way around for me! Im really popular and stuff, and lots of girls fancy me, but i don't show any interest in them, and ignore people alot (sounds big headed, and it probably is, but its true), which i know is a bad habit, but i find its a way of showing them in not interested. However, there is this one girl i like, and i guess people might say shes a dork and stuff, but i really like her, and im sure she likes me, but in public i just can't even talk to her, or look at her for very long, because in public i feel i have this image to display, and it makes me really annoyed at myself, because im trapped within my own image and stuff

However, i got her name for msn and that, and within a few days of having breif convosations with her, i asked her to the prom, and she was like "Im so sorry, im already going with my ex and im like WTF! Anyway, i thaught that maybe she thaught i was a jerk or something because of the way i act in public, and i thaught fair enough, and just stayed breif friends with her online. Then a week or so later, she found out i really did like her, and she was like being really nice to me, and flirting with me in school etc, like she used to do, and i ignored her again, like i used to do, althaugh i was a tad confused oh why she was flirting again with me (and why she was doing it in the first place), and then she said to me how she thaught i was using her or something before, and she thaught i was a jerk and stuff (cause thats what Jerks do), and so i explained to her that i really do like her and stuff, and we became really good friends (and i think she hinted for me to ask her to the prom again), and over the christmas holidays, i found out loads about her (like that she was shy and would never ask a boy out - which is maybe a hint she wanted me to ask her again, but i didn't), and i asked her as a friend if she wanted to go to town with me and my friends, but she said she was busy, then the a week or so later i asked her if she wanted to come to the cinema with me and my friends, and she said she was ill, and i thaught OK; shes either shy, she doesn't like me, or shes genuinly ill. Then like a day or so later, she was in a terrible mood, crying and saying how she wnated to ocmmit suicide, so i conforted her, and tried to make her feel better, and she said i was such a great mate for caring for her, as shes never told anybody her problems before (not even her parents), and she said the reason she didn't go to town and the cinema with me is because she has over protective parents and stuff, so i thaught "OK, this is looking very good now, im gonna ask her out on tuesday - when we go back to school)". Alas, tuesday came, and i acted like a jerk again, and ignored her and didn't start any convos with her etc, then today (wednesday) i still havn't done anything, and i keep hating myself for acting the way i do, but i can't help it!

So now you might know what its like on the other side; when people ignore you, it doesn't mean they don't like you, they might infact really like you! Best of luck

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  • 3 years later...

in reply to the above...if you feel you have some sort of image to keep, then you are some kind of idiot (seriously, sorry but....) if your really happy who cares what others think right?


and to lover: i went through the same thing when i was your age, infact ive still got this huge thing for the girl. anyway just try to break the ice with something funny, not a joke, but something funny. Before this girl, i was really REALLY shy, bot now im the guy everyone waits for. anyway, just dont be a total moron, but if it helps, show a little bit of that loose side. Trust me if your able to get close to her, you'll have a major confidence boost. (just dont assume things to quickly X.X)

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You're 13 and already in love with a girl you can't even talk to. NO

You're infatuated with this girl and believe me i've been there and it can be hard. The thing is, this isn't love and as bad as this may sound, you're not gonna find true love until you get older. You're still going through puberty basically and it's ok. Wow, i'd hate to be 13 again. I'm 26 now and wouldn't go back to all that stuff for all the money in the world. It's tough growing up, especially at that age, and it won't get any easier for you for awhile. Jst hang in there and you'll be alright.

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to lostlover: didn't read what others said, but you have a problem. You think you love a girl you have never talked to and who, as you say, does not know you exist. First thing would be to fix the fact that she doesn't know that you exist, you should talk to her. However, before you can actually do that, you need to kill the feeling that says you're in love, as it virtually prevents thinking and talking to her altogether. Whatever you do, don't tell her how you feel - if you go to confess your feelings or something, she'll be scared and confused and she indeed probably won't ever talk to you again. You should be casual and cool, talk to her like you'd talk to any of your friends. Easier said than done but that's basically it, if you can manage that, good for you, if not... then you probably won't be getting her. Don't frustrate though, you're 13 and have plenty of time to date later.

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aww ur too cute im 14 lol but anyways.. theirs this guy at my school who is like OBSSESSED with me.. he tells me that he loves me and im the most beautiful girl in the world and that i look like Adriana lima..and all that crap. but he is EXTREMELY shy.. and it looks like he HATES MY GUTS..like i mean no one would ever expect him to like me.. i think thats ur problem.. ur TOO SHYYYYYY.. im a shy person as well.. but u have to FIGHT IT ! u dont have to tell the girl you love her right away.. its not 'love' i know its cause were only like 13 and 14 but anyways !u have to show the girl some signs.. DONT ignore her its drives us girls crazy when guys do that..and the more u ignore her .. the more shes never going to know u like her.. start teasing her a little.. NICE TEASING ..flirt a little..talk to her.. make her feel like a PRINCESS..haha sooner or later shoull realise u have a crush on her and who knows maybe shou'll start crushing on you

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If you want to, make it known to her that you exist, or, better yet, become her friend. I know, you are young and liekly think "I don't WANT to be just friends" But here's the best part, when your infatuation (that is what it is) fades you ahve a great firend and if thigns progress between you two then you end up getitng what you wanted. Don't treat this as an all or nothing situation, for that is the folly of most male's thoughts when it comes to love. Be her friend and what will be will be.

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  • 1 year later...
There is a girl I have a crush on and she dosn't know I exsist. I know what your thinking, just tell her how you feel, right? It's not that easy, I am extremly shy, i cant talk to people I dont know but I'm the most shy around girls, and this ones extremly hot she's like the twin of Jennifer Garner, the actress from ALIAS. What should I do? I'm obsessed with her, she's all I think of and I want her to know this but I just cant figure out how to tell her without her hating me. Please can someone help me?


your not in love it takes 2 people to be in love

you have a shcool boy crush


you walk over too her and talk to her and u either get rejected or get the number

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your not in love it takes 2 people to be in love

you have a shcool boy crush


you walk over too her and talk to her and u either get rejected or get the number


Unless things have changed drastically since I was 13 (quite possible!), you don't get her number at that age, you either start "going out", or you don't

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Unless things have changed drastically since I was 13 (quite possible!), you don't get her number at that age, you either start "going out", or you don't


naw back where i was from we was gettin numbers at 13.......you got the home phone number cz cell phones werent popular like they were now, but we asked for numbers....got em too, we was askin girls for numbers in 3rd grade where i orignate from

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naw back where i was from we was gettin numbers at 13.......you got the home phone number cz cell phones werent popular like they were now, but we asked for numbers....got em too, we was askin girls for numbers in 3rd grade where i orignate from


These days it's probably all done through facebook...

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