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I wouldnt go to that extreme. At first it would be really scary but I think that things eventually have to work out. You'd have to grow up really fast but I think you should be responsible for your actions. If you think your too young to have a baby then your prolly too young to have sex. That's just one thing that you take a chance on. I believe everything works out in the end thoug because it kind of has to.

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Well, I'd hope that wouldn't happen to you or any other girls that age. I wish they were more responsible, but let's face it, it sill happens all the time. And I would most definitely not have an abortion, I would have the child. If you have an abortion, remember, you're killing a baby, and for me, that's just horrible. Not only that, I'm adopted and so thankful my biological mother (who was 16 when she had me) didn't abort me, she gave me life and I will always be against abortion because of that now.

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As another male, if I got pregnant (at 14 or any age) I would have the baby. I mean, how can I pass up the chance to make history?


But in the case of a girl being pregnant that young, I still think she should keep it. I don't believe in abortion unless it is the extreme case of the mother's life or the childs. There have been several posts recently from 15 year olds who are pregnant and are handling it with maturity and class. It doesn't have to be the end of the world, things can work out. And the father should be supportive and do what he can to help care for the child.

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lol. If I had a dollar for everyone who has asked me that....


I'm licking a giant loaf of fake sourdough bread of course. Doesn't everyone do that?


I have a silly personality and I'm always being goofy like that, so when my friend and I were visiting a factory that made bread and we saw that, I couldn't resist the picture. Posted it after I lost a bet with a couple other members. Now I like to think it brings a smile to the face of those who see it. Or at least makes them take notice of my posts and draws them into what I write.

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I would like to know what would you do if you were 14 and pregnant


I'm going to be completely honest.


If it were ME at age 14- I don't think I would have the baby.


I do realize that answer is selfish and morally controversial. However, I am pro-choice. If it were me at the mere age of 14, I would probably seek an abortion. At least that's I think I would do- it's hard when the situation is hypothethcial- but I'm trying to factor in parts of my life back then:


*very strict parents (with adoption they would still find out I was pregnant)


*plans for college immediately after high school


*fear of what pregnancy/birth would do to my body at such a young age


*being a child myself



The decision will be different for every woman/girl and depend on many factors: family support (or lack of it), father's involvement with the future baby, financial status, religious beleifs, access to abortions in her community, maturity, future plans etc.



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I don't know... we watched in class an actual ultrasound video of a suction abortion. Basically the baby's body was ripped limb from limb and sucked out, then the head was crushed and removed with forceps. I felt like fainting while I watched it! You could see the child thrashing around helplessly. It was terrible... I could NEVER have an abortion after watching that, if I had a choice.


But gosh, that question is still such a tough one. At 14, I honestly don't know what I would do. It would depend on how far along I was in the pregnancy. I wouldn't keep it from my parents. If I was that young, I would trust them to decide what I should do. I would probably have the baby, then give it up for adoption. Other people out there are more prepared to be parents.

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Basically the baby's body was ripped limb from limb and sucked out, then the head was crushed and removed with forceps. I felt like fainting while I watched it! You could see the child thrashing around helplessly. It was terrible... I could NEVER have an abortion after watching that, if I had a choice


Eww... Even more against abortion just from reading that.


I think that no matter the circumstances the baby is going to be born into, it deserves a chance at life. Plenty of children are born under harsh conditions and strive in life. And the affects of having an abortion are hard enough on an adult women. It is bound to be harder on a kid.

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Basically the baby's body was ripped limb from limb and sucked out, then the head was crushed and removed with forceps. I felt like fainting while I watched it! You could see the child thrashing around helplessly. It was terrible... I could NEVER have an abortion after watching that, if I had a choice


That is indeed very sad. I guess I wonder how far along in the pregnancy the mother was if someone other than a trained professional could clearly see distinguishable limbs and a head in that ultrasound shown in the video. It sounds like she was pretty far along in her pregnancy. I am pro-choice, but I would personally not have an abortion past the first trimester (in which the fetus is 2 inches long), unless my own life was greatly endangered.



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That is indeed very sad. I guess I wonder how far along in the pregnancy the mother was if someone other than a trained professional could clearly see distinguishable limbs and a head in that ultrasound shown in the video. It sounds like she was pretty far along in her pregnancy. I am pro-choice, but I would personally not have an abortion past the first trimester (in which the fetus is 2 inches long), unless my own life was greatly endangered.




Yeah, that would be a late term abortion, at least considerably into the second term. Those are not the common procedure, and are often done for medical purposes (either mother or child). Up here the only way you can get one past the first trimester is with medical reason.


However, you will find that people will use those situations to show the procedure as it is more visually and emotionally painful to watch then a first trimester one would be, even if the reasons for it are not disclosed - such as it was done because the fetus had massive complications for example that would endanger them both. It gets their point accross better I suppose, as the first trimester ones would not show very much at all or be very dramatic for most viewers.


I am pro-choice too, though I would personally not have one unless my life was in danger or there were major complications with the fetus, or in perhaps a traumatic situation like rape.

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However, you will find that people will use those situations to show the procedure as it is more visually and emotionally painful to watch then a first trimester one would be, even if the reasons for it are not disclosed - such as it was done because the fetus had massive complications for example that would endanger them both. It gets their point accross better I suppose, as the first trimester ones would not show very much at all or be very dramatic for most viewers.


Very true. I'll never forget the day I took my cousin to a clinic to get birth control pills. She had no health insurance at the time, so she needed to go to a clinic for competent and affordable healthcare. On the way into the clinic- there were anti-choice protesters with HUGE graphic signs. I don't know where they got their material but they had photos of babies heads on a stick and other very disgusting images. Clearly none of the images they showed were representative of the first trimester abortions women got at that clinic. It made me wonder what kind of sicko would spend their time trying to find photos of mutilated babies to harass people on public streets.


Keep in mind that poor, low-income women often go to these clinics for pre-natal care (not just abortion). Many women bring their children to their appointments- and their kids have to be terrorized by that just so their mom can see a doctor. People driving by with young children in the car also have to see that.


The protesters were chasing us- to the door of the clinic- I was just taking my cousin there for BIRTH CONTROL PILLS. One of them even stepped on the back of my shoe- he got so close.


It amazes me how people can openly harass and intimadate others with such graphic images, and invade their personal space- and get away with it. I have a feeling if I stood out on the streets with a big graphic porn sign- I'd be immediately arrested. Or how about going outside a hospital and showing huge pictures of every procedure they do there- including colonoscopies. I'm sure I'd be arrested.


I don't think the dramatic "shock and awe" tactics get the point accross better of pro-life folks. It just makes them look insane. Instead of trying to scare and terrorize women and children outside clinics- why not do something productive and offer them financial help or info on adoption. I personally have a problem with dramatic approaches that try to visually or emotionally disturb and intimidate women, men, and children.



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