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into the mind of a man


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Hello. I have been happily dating a guy for about 3 weeks up until this point, or say, since Sunday. I was cautious and surprised myself when I realized that he was 7 years younger than me...I am 28...you do the math. He really swept me off my feet with my valentine's gifts...perfume, flowers, candy, etc. On Sunday, I decided to fix him a really nice dinner and worked pretty much all day on it. Sunday night, he came over late and would have probably cancelled on me had I not told him that I had already put it in the oven. He had a lot of school work that night, so he pretty much ate and ran. I understand that college can be stressful....I have my masters degree. Up until Sunday, he had been calling and e-mailing pretty much everyday. Now, it has been almost 4 days and no communication. I kind of got a bad vibe Sunday night when he left...but what the hell? I e-mailed him yesterday with a light-hearted note, but no response. He has pretty much cut me off....I hate this! I hate it that I don't even get an explanation like "hey, you are great, but...." I am trying hard to not keep pursuing it...I haven't called him...just the e-mail. He said "I'll call you.." when he left on Sunday. Why am I sitting here on Wed. with no communication? I am not a * * * * * * *....I know when someone is not interested....is this what's going on? I know what I do when I am not interested, but I am careful with others feelings. Can someone give me some insight on this? I am also feeling a little strange and depressed because I am 28 and have had dead-end relationships. I am getting really frustrated!

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I'm personally a little confused, too. Guys usually dont' do the whole valentine's day thing unless their somewhat serious (in my opinion).


But, honestly, from the perspective of a girl of the same age...most the guys I know who are my age lack direction and aren't ready to commit just because of the stage they are in their life. A lot of things are uncertain. He may like you a lot, but I have to be honest, its a scary thought for a guy to be tied down at this point in his life. He might have started to feel like it might be headed in that direction and gotten scared.


Or maybe he's just completely bogged down in work from school. Or it could be something completely different. I think you should just leave it go for now.

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