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make out tips- how to get started

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Alright hey everyone i need some help i know how to make out and everything but i need help with how to start like i dont have a girlfriend but i hang out with girls a lot and everyone likes to make out and stuff so like we'll be hanging out at someones house and ill want to make out with a certain girl and shes told me before she wants to but i never know how to start i mean i know one thing to do is lead them away and then make out but how do you do that and what do you say to them? any help would be great thanks a lot

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Hi, well I guess maybe I do not understand the concept here. So you are talking about just kissing a girl for the sake of kissing? I will assume these are girls that would like to do so with you? And are you all standing around just kissing? and if so where? sorry....this will clarify for me the setting and concept...thanks

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  • 1 month later...

I'm with crystal333 on this one i don't think its cool to just go around kissing who ever and when ever but if you really wanna just make a good first kiss just take her somewhere away maybe darker than the other rooms or what not then just sit next close to her and put your arm around her if she leans on ya your in the green so to speak so you can just go about it as you see fit .... and if she pulls away don't try and redeem yourself ..... thats a pain if you do but just play off her actions and you will be fine



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