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Need some advice for a friend please..

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Hi guys,


I know what a great Website this is - I've been using it for a while and often just read other people's problems as well. Everyone is very helpful and the advice does really make a difference.


Anyway, I have a friend who is a bit upset at the moment as she is having problems with her boyfriend of seven months. I'd just like you guys to read this post, which I am posting for her and for you to give this lovely young lady some advice. Thanks guys - much appreciated!


Errrm…. Hey ?


Well…. About two weeks before the summer holidays last year I had to pick my brother up from his mate's house and when I was at the door I was talking to his friends mum and she was asking me if I knew her other son…John – I didn't. When my brother's friend came round to mine after that he was telling me his name and things about him because I had never seen him before or anything and then he got his phone out and showed me a picture of John and then asked me if I knew him and I said I had seen him around school. Then he said to add him to MSN, so I did.


When he went home he put his web cam on and he showed me John on web cam and I thought he was really good looking. He said John was looking after him for a couple of hours the next day so my brother and I could go and get to know John - so I did!


Then over like the next month or something I really really really started liking him and we went out everyday and every night and we started getting really close and he used to tell me everything and we used to sneak out at night really late to see each other and he never used to see his mates much because he spent all of his time with me…I don't know if that's a good thing, but it was to me at the time! I suppose I'm starting to regret that now though.


A long time after that I went to a party and I realised how much I liked him and I my cousin said I should just ask him out…what's the worst that could happen. So I did. And he said yes! We then spent a lot of time together as couples do.


Now we have been going out for nearly 7 months and we hardly see each other at all. He NEVER talks to me at school. He NEVER tells me he loves me and never has which I don't know why I feel so bad about, but it just makes me feel bad


He lies to me all the time! He says to me to my face at school that he will see me or that he will ring me and then on MSN he will say he is going out with his mates or not going to ring me or something! I feel like, "Why couldn't you tell me that to my face ?"


That's why I'm regretting him spending so much time with him before! He even tells people we're not together all the time – he did it again today, told people that he didn't have a girlfriend! And I am sick of it! Nobody's perfect, but this is taking it too far!


I'd really like some advice, thanks.

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You need to get out of that relationship. He should be proud to have you as his girlfriend and should be shouting it out to the world.


You dont deserve to be treated that way and you should know that it is time to end this dead end relationship to a guy that hasn't done anything good for you in a long time.


End it, and feel good about it because nobody deserves to be treated that way.

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