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Not sure how to shave pubic hair.

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Been doing it for awhile now and she loves it. Main reason I do it is because she likes to give my twins a massage with her mouth (if you know what I mean ). Anyways, I use the same gillette razor she uses for her legs....it works great! No razor burn, no cuts or knicks....she loves it because she says my twins are as smooth as a babies butt, oh and if your gonna' use her razor make damn sure you clean it very well after each use.


Are you just trying to shave the pubic area or the whole thing? I have one of those personal grooming kits you know for beards,moustaches,ear & nose hair...the works, anyway...I use a #2 attachment on the pubic area so I am not totally bald and then on my twins I use her gillette shaver in the shower and it works great....like I said nice smooth shave. All depends on what you are trying to go for man, but that's how I do it and she loves it.

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