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Valentines and my birthday all in Feb.....


This has been one really hurtful month for me, and prolli for many others.


If ex contacts it hurts, if she doesn't it still hurts.....


Strange as it may sound, can't understand why i have to go through all this.


we become nobody for our ex's just out of blue.......crap hope she has already forgotten my bday and never calls or contacts today.


I have to remain strong enough incase she calls up, i am not takin the call....eh..hate that feelin.


although i am with my parents today....i feel sad sometimes , then it goes to happiness, then loneliness...huh am ventin again.


God bless all of you...

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yea, thanks....feel like mailin her saying thanks for forgetin my bday, thanks for makin my day.


Anyways can't do that, won't that hurt her, won't that make her sad.....i still love her and what a confusin bday it has been for me today.


My head is so very heavy.


For the first time in my life, its my birthday and it feels like somethin else.

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As many people here that has been the dumpee, i can understand your feelings about your brithday.


Try to look at it in another perspective, Spawn. You're with the people who REALLY cares of you..You wanted that she will be one of those persons, but she DIDN'T want it. So now you really can see how STRONG were theirs feelings to you.. Is very sad and hurting, i know.. that feeling like if you're just nothing to her.. feeling like we said here in my country: a "Yesterday's Newspaper".. But realize that you mean a lot of good things for the other people who's sharing with you in this day. So try to get yourself up for your own and these people's sake. Its the best way to be thankful with those who bless us with their caring, friendship, love and respect.


Kee your chin up and whatever you'll do, please DON'T CALL HER.. don't hurt yourself man!

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yup metalheart thanks, i understand.


I won't and can't call her (her phone is dead for last 1 month or so, blessing in disguise one might say), its she who can call me but i know now she won't.


I hope she doesn't as she will be doin a big favour to me and for her.Hope she does well.


I am happy with my parents, we may go out for some light dinner or may be i will make somethin for them....anyways, its just the odd feelin once in a while that brings in a burning sensation right where my heart is.


just going thru emotions, i guess.

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Hey there - Happy B-day!


you know what you need to do - it's just a matter of time - which you can fill by taking up activities and hanging out with your fam, friends...whatever -


obviously it sucks, don't we all know it - but we're so caught up in the moment, we forget that we still have so much to look forward too - with or without our exes!


plus, v-day is just another hallmark holiday, and you get to spend some time with your fam for your bday, family will always be there - that's lovin'


keep smiling

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thanks red10 for those kind words....


I am trying hard.....will try harder. I gonna survive this thing too....no doubt.


I just got hold of Coupling,all four seasons, the brit comedy sitcom....hope to enjoy it.


take care red.


keep u all posted.

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