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You want to know what you should do? You should be ashamed. Both of you.


So, I sent the whole conversation to her, and basically destroyed the trust in the relationship....


No, the trust was destroyed when she said if she could cheat with anyone it would be you. And it was further destroyed when you deceived her boyfriend.


I think you two would make a great couple. You sound like you deserve each other.

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There seem to be something particular that boyfriend has that you don't. Maybe it's material or it can be part of his personality. It is surprising that after all, she didn't break up.

If you find that particularity, you can work on having it.


Edit: That partner might frighten her enough about a break-up. Now that's... something annoying to think. It becomes dangerous. Whatever the reason it is. Investigating on that subject would be wise as it might be the help she has waited for so long, who knows.

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