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need tips

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ok, well there's this girl that i like, and i have her cell phone number (she gave it to me). The problem is that im to nervous to call. Im afraid she'll be busy or wit people (i need to talk to her alone, long story).


Any1 got any tips for me? How can i get the stregnth to call her?


i dont think she'll come online and i dont have her email address. Talking in person is not an option either (once again, long story).



I just need to call her, ive never been able to (except once for a minute in which i stuttered)


please help, this may not seem like a big deal, but it is to me cause if this doesnt go right im gonna be really depressedl.

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If you can think of some things to talk about before you call, and then write them down on a piece of paper, it will help jog your memory if your mind goes blank on the phone. A good opener is always, "Hi, did I catch you at a good time?"... sometimes they just say yes, sometime sthey will say yes and add something else,, like "yes, I just got done walking the dog" ... and then you can talk about the dog.


Ask questions mainly... and the conversation goes from there. To get the strength to call, just imagine how you would feel if someone called you... good I bet... well, it's the same way for the other person.

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Honestly, just think about it this way.


Phone call: she can't see you. She can't see that you're nervous or fiddling. You can sit with your eyes closed biting your lip. You're making too much of it.


I know sometimes a first-time call is a little nerve racking, but the hardest part is dialing and the anticipation that comes with the ring.


Then talk to her. It'll come easier than expected.


If shes busy, oh well, ask HER to call you back

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Hey.. here's some tips I use



Always.. always smile when your on the phone.... your happiness comes off in your conversation


Do not babble on... it will show you are nervous.. just say smart things that will interest her, do not talk to much about yourself either. If she can do most of the talking it is a good thing, but you might need to do some talking to make her comfortable with you. Also since this is your first call, don't be upset or down if it is short.


I'm short for time, but best of luck. Just keep it cool and calm.

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