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No question... not looking for advice... just babbling, bubbling and gushing...


I've been on this board -- spewing advice (as I've got experience with the age-gap subject) and getting some advice, as my previous boyfriend (26 years older) decided I was NOT want he wanted for a future, committed relationship.


A few months have gone by -- not much time at all. Hurt a LOT, but over time, the hurt has been disappating... I am now at the point where I don't desire to be with this man any longer... Yea! And I've been casually dating guys much closer to my age.


Have I said in the past age doesn't matter? lol! Right now, I'm beginning to think for me it does. I think I just like MUCH older men. These men I've been seeing have all been "nice enough" -- not a whole lot in common, however, and NOW, after liking older men all my life, and actually dating someone significantly older, the ones who are just a little older than me seem like little boys -- really lacking in maturity!


Then, just last week, started to write to the most sweet, thoughtful man. Everything my old boyfriend was, and MORE, as he doesn't have the same issues. He is younger than my old BF, and I think that HAS made a difference, in that THIS new man (let's call him Pete) is much more willing to take some risks on a romance and working toward a committment. My old BF was beyond risk-taking, and I think it was related to his age and where he was at on the path of life.


And yet, Pete is still significantly older than me -- 10 years -- and it shows. Hmmmm.... makes me wonder why this is so important to me, but I don't want to over analyze myself. Some people like blonds, some like blue eyes, some like tall -- and I guess I like older.


This is, obviously, a fairly new relationship (in fact, I wouldn't even call it that yet -- we are getting to know each other). Plus, it has the other difficult aspect of being over a long distance. But we are both open to the possiblities it could bring. We are "clicking" big time -- have tons in common, and I'm very psyched about that!


So here I am, again... embarking on what looks like yet another age-gap relationship. Funny -- he's never questioned the age difference, and neither have I. Obviously we are both OK with it -- and to all of you out there, that's all the matters -- that you are both comfortable with it. As cold as this is to say -- everyone else can go to hell! lol! That is to say -- more nicely -- that no one else's opinion matters but your own.


Wish me luck!

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That's right, SAM... 26 years older than ME. Not 26. He is 65 now. I'm 39.


Thanks, SAM, also, for the best wishes. Time will tell about this -- but you know what? I'm just happy I feel OVER that last relationship. That way, I'm just happy being ME now... So no matter what, if this relationship doesn't blossom, I'll still be OK.



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Talked to Pete on the phone for the first time! So far -- all I expected, and more. He has a great laugh! We talked for almost 2 hours! And we STILL haven't discussed the age difference (10 years)! Guess we both ARE really comfortable with that! It's just so cool! I don't think it's an issue... and after a year of hearing "I'm too old for you..." Gee, this is refreshing!


However, we will see in a few years, if things get that far, if the DISTANCE becomes an issue. Maybe I'll pay a visit to the Long Distance Relationship board...


But I'm sure I'll still put my 2 cents in here as well... Thanks, all!

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