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So this is how it's gonna be?

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Aight, well some of you may have read my previous post but for those who haven't here's the lowdown:


She wanted a "break" and I took it horribly. She appears to still be interested and says she is, but just wants a friend right now.


I supposed I can accept that now, but I don't want her to think I've lost interest. I want to try to keep her interested, but i'm not sure what to do. I don't want to 'force' myself on her, but want her to know that I am still madly in love with her. Starting August 23rd I'll be seeing her almost every day. Which I'm hoping is good. Is there some sort of body language? What do I say? Eh? EH?! Any suggestions are great appreciated. Thanks

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I didn't go back and read the other posts, but if you had a good relationship, then just don't get right back into it. She'll be tempted to have the affection, but that's where the game begins...


Flirt, and tell her how much you missed her, things like that, do cute things, but don't go overboard. Don't do TOO much hand holding, hugging, kissing... you know. If she feels like she gets the same affection while you're just friends, she probably won't go for the steady commitment all too quick. You have to let it lack something...


Make sure she can tell you are holding back. Don't just act like you're not interested. If she wonders why you're hoding back, tell her that you don't want to ruin the friendship, and remind her that it was her idea... BUT keep flirting and trying but holding back. If she wants to get together, she probably is already thinking of getting back together anyway, just give her time... All of this will just show her you're really interested but respectful.


That's my best advice, or at leat what I would do...




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but if you say something like that you gotta be honest about it. Look her right in the eyes, if she's responsive maybe just touch her hand slightly and say it. But after you say it, say nothing else...just leave. Don't comment about her, your relationship, nothing.....just walk out the door assuming you're going to be friends...if she comes back, cool, if not, cool too.

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They are all good suggestions guys but im not sure what kind of attention that he wants. Does he just want her to be jumping all over him or does he want something more serious. If your going for the serious angle just simply tell her how you feel and leave it at that. If your in it just for the fun then the other ppls advice it great.

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Hi there, It is impossible to know what someone else is actually thinking unless they tell you.... Nevermind playing it cool and trying to give signals and second guess her responses, I tried that and it takes forever for a result and you'll probably drive yourself insane in the process


Talk with her.


The best solution is open up to her because if she is worth these feelings you have for her she will keep your thoughts confidential and she will open up with you. Depending on her thoughts it may hurt what she has to say, but at least you'll know and the hurt will not be with you forever as you will move on. But if it is all good, well, I don't need to tell you


This is just from my experience and just a suggestion Good luck with what ever happens.

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