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I think the study of dream analysis is ...well, inaccurate.


I mean, yes it could have something to do with whats going on in your life, but the interpretations found in books and online are vague unless you apply them yourself.


It's best to interpret your own dreams and find out what they mean to you.


For example,


Your dream symbol says you are.....feeling guilt. How does it relate to your waking life?


- heres a site I use to help me. But take it with a grain of salt. I mean, more often than not, dreams are just imagination on overload

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I consider dreams just random neural signals flitting through my brain. To me they're as significant as the floaters in my eyeballs or the twitch in my knee when I'm falling asleep. They might be artistically pleasant or disturbing, but nothing I dwell on.

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Yup. I'm with Dako on this one.



I look at dreaming as the brain's biological version of de-fragmenting one's hard drive. Necessary to keep all the "wiring" functioning as it should. If it happens to be entertaining along the way, double bonus.


I look to my waking thoughts and journal musings for deeper meaning.

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Thats funny cuz I am a total dream analyzer. i have found that my dreams let out my emotions by replaying situations in a very exagerated way so that i feel that emotion more intensly and let it go... like guillt, fear, etc...


I have also found that my dreams do relay symbolism at times. I think that we have the ability to witness life differently in our sleep...but only after much practice and an open mind.


I recently have been not sleeping well, partially this dang computer, my job is stressfull, I am in a love triangle, my father is sick, and I just left a relationship. Even on sleeping pills I dream outragiously vivid dreams and can remember every detail down to the color of flowers and how many.


I was recently given the suggestion to build a place in your mind every night that feels safe and is your creation...like a house somewhere. To feel comfortable in that house and then write down on a piece of paper for yourself or for your guides what it is that is droubling you. Ask for guidance, or ask to only have peacefull sleep.


Perhaps we can chose what we are willing to dream about. perhaps we can also learn not to dream nad have peacefull sleep.

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Thats awesome. I also have really vivid dreams and upon interpreting them, it sheds light on a lot of issue in my waking life. I think some people misinterpret the symbolism though.


Speaking of waking life, have you heard of the movie "Waking Life", look it up. It's a movie that takes place within a lucid dream (a dream where you know you are dreaming and you are able to control what happens to you- you can actually train yourself to awake within your dreams...google "lucid dreaming") Anyways, it's a really interesting movie discussing theories on dreams, reality, time, etc. Very philosophical but sometimes I like those movies you can have actual discussions on. And this is one of those hate-it-or-love-it movies, so it can get pretty interesting

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I sometimes dream funny, weird stuff that couldn' or wouldn't t happen in real life. Most of the time I have never dwelled upon my dreams at all, and usually get a good laugh out of the funny ones.

I have had two very vivid dreams that actually came true. Those were the very disturbing ones. I to this day try and figure out if they were a sign to me of something to come, or if it was just coincidental.

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