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Why am i scared?

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i dont know what to think at the min and i really need some advice ! ill meet guys and well get on fine and everything then theyll ask if we should start going out and thats the thing that scares me i dunno what it is am i scared of comitment or av i just not found the right guy yet? i always end up runing away any help and i would be greatful !! nat x

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You're not alone, a ton of people feel the jitters like that. Just next time, try, instead of running away or getting scared, just talk about it. Tell him you don't know, and you're not used to relationships, but you are interested.


He doesn't have to be "the one for you", usually you need to experience other relationships first, so don't worry about getting close to someone. Sometimes getting heartbroken isn't so bad anyway, because it prepares you for the rest of your life. Everything doesn't always work out. Don't be afraid of falling in love, if it happens, it happens. It's hard to control anyway...


Just remember, it can't hurt to try or at least give it a chance... let someone in, and you may find out it's very rewarding...



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i think maybe you have been hurt by someone in the past or you may be scared of a comitment. you need to think if your life is ready for one and if all your prioritys are in the right place so there will be no mistakes along the way that could have been stopped. then you need to tell your self that everything will be okay and hopefully it will all seem right.

good luck


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