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Astrology is it important?

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I have been reading about astrology for a long time now about 6yrs and I am not convinced that an accurate report can ever be given about anyone, I think that its more like a taste of who you are.


I tried to get one of the reports where you enter your birthday and the time that you were born, but it wasn't very good.


I don't think that I should be wasting my money on this.


I would appreciate other people opinions on astrology.

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Astrology and horoscopes are meant to be entertainment. I enjoy reading my horoscope here and there. I find it interesting, trying to apply it to my life. It is written as general as possible so that it can be applied to anyone. Is there anything behind it? Any cosmic force? Well I don't really know.


I believe that the power of the mind is a cosmic force. The power of suggestion is scientifically proven. If you believe something will happen, chances are it will happen. So in a sense if you read into and believe astrology/horoscopes, it can have an affect on your life.


If you are into astrology, you should look into affirmations. Training your mind to accept positive ideas and beliefs is a great way to increase your happiness, productivity and success.


Here is a site that gives great information on it.

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I know that this is a little off topic, but there is a far better success rate in affirmations then there is in astrology.

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Crookster, we meet again. I agree, it is purely for entertainment. Read any one (any sign) and you could apply it to yourself in some way. They are always uplifting, so there's nothing wrong with them, just don't get caught up in life decisions over astrology. Too many things just aren't worth the risk...



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Hello Knctrnl22,


The debate about the functionality or applicability of astrology is a never ending dilemma of opinions.


If you find that after 6 years of 'reading' about astrology, that you still aren't convinced about its accuracy, then I wonder why it took you 6 years to reach such a conclusion and not a weekend, or else you only read whats written in the columns of newspapers?

Then yes, what you described, as astrology humbling itself to just a 'taste of who you are' would fit snuggly.


Why should you spend money on it, if you are able or viable to do your own research? Astrology is free and works, not because of peoples opinions or beliefs, but because it speaks for itself, if you are willing to listen


Thats my opinion and I hope you appreciated it


Kind regards,


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I don't believe in the fortune telling part of astrology because like someone said that it is very general, also they use power of suggestion alot I mean if they mention postive things for you to do then surely only postive things will come out of it like "Wild flowers will brighten of your room" no kidding! thats what was in mine today, well duh...or "Go on talk to that cute guy on the bus" well thats what I HAVE been meaning to do but there are cute guys on almost all buses for Cancerians I bet.


I do believe in the star sign part of it like the personality traits, I am exactly like a Cancerian and I have only met a few people who aren't like there particular star sign.


secret_agent_man, I like your avatar, just the eyes are funny.

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I do believe that sometimes it is meant for you ya know the horoscope but maybe try reading it at the end of the day and see if it is resembles what happened in your day..........as for psychics I do believe in some and some I do not. I truly believe that people have this gift

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  • 1 month later...

Astrology is interesting, and fun to know, but you can't really rely on it.


I've dated this guy, who according to the Chinese Zodiac, was a perfect match for me. I thought, wow, he just finished med-school, he's a doctor, and his astrological signs fit me just well. We met at his cousins' wedding, who I knew my whole life, but we never knew each other.


I thought that it was fate, but in reality, astrology and all of those superstitious things are nice to hear about, but they really don't determine your future.

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