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How about..."Hey darlin, My divorce is taking its toll on me mentally and phsyically. Taking a toll on my interpersonal relationships. I don't know who I am or who I am supposed be... and its a tough learning. I want you to know that I do care about you. I love spending time with you. I hope that I can count on your support, your friendship and your patience during my "crazy" time. No one knows where this ocean will lead us...but the fun is in the journey. How'd you like to do dinner and a movie next week?? "


Not the COMMITMENT that you'd expected... but its a good start.


I think ya'll jumped into the deep end of the pool without learning the lessons... and you've become overwhelmed. When we are overwhelmed... we RUN from the pain... lol.



now if i could just get her to say that to me.....lol


i just hate watching days go by knowing i miss her hoping she misses me...but ifeel like the pride is killing us because i did tell her i have t move on and then she said yes you should so i originally said i was moving on from the mess.....but in hopes of making her realize what her instability is doing and now that it has been 6 days its killing me....although she is the one who asked for her space for awhile....i guess i was accepting crumbs....i was/am he closest person in her life.....so it kills me not to talk to her and i dont know when or how is the right time to even say hey

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You told her.. YOU needed to move on because of the mess she's in???


ahhhhhh.. well. If it was me? and I loved you and cared about you.

I wouldn't want you sticking around being mired along side of me in my bucket of goo. uggggh. Dont want that on my conscience. I would certainly want you happy. And if today... I can't do that for you.. give you the commitment you are seeking.. and crumbs is all I have, because there is NOTHING left of ME at the end of the day... well, ya know.. thats all I have. Caring for other people...means wanting for thier happiness and thier good.


YEP.. no one wants to get taken advantage of either. Its a delicate balancing act... a dance. Being the closet to her and her confidant... don't set your expectation up high on the emotional payback. She's tapped. Again... one of the reasons coaches tell you NOT TO get into a relationship this soon after a break.


YEP.. I know where your coming from. I'm right there with ya babe.


Pride.. lol.. PRIDE GOETH BEFORE THE FALL... darn that PRIDE anyway. Whats it really mean??? Get rid of it. Be humble... NOT A DORMAT mind you..but humble.

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oh I FORGOT to mention that her brother got invovled at our last fight since he has told me she had ameltdown that day at her lawyers. so now i think he has told her to chill.....and now she seems to be doing it.....him and i are good friends so that adds to it

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