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Does he like me?

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Hi everyone, hope you can help me with this one, men are a mystery to me!

I live in a shared house with some guys and was until November dating one of them (tim), these guys get a long but aren't really friends we live together for convience but tend to socailise separately.

Anyhu.... in mid December me and another one of my house mates(John), started spending a lot of time together, most evening and really flirting...i really like him but at the time was convinced anything happening hould have been a bad idea. He drove to my folks place 200 miles, for new years eve and we got quite drunk and ended up having sex...however earlier in the evening, we had had quite a sober disscussion, where we both admitted to liking each other and even though we knew we were about to fall into bed together, we said we should just stary friends.

Since we've been back in our shared house, we have spend every night together watching films and usually ending up in bed....on january 8th (8 days after we first had sex) John said he was feeling really guilty, because however much he liked me as a person and enjoyed our time together he didn't know if he wanted more....i told him honestly i wasn't looking for a big relationship and i wasn't kidding myself into thinking we were a couple and that i was having fun.


Since then tho, he keeps talking about the future and me meeting his parents and different places he wants to take me...also whenever i go out he always txt's me saying he misses me and can't wait to see me.....


I'm really confused to me this guy is saying one thing but acting out another....also i think i might be falling for him...




Lala xxx

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Time for another talk - he may be changing his mind about his feelings. Meeting parents is usually a sign that something more serious is developing. But guard your heart and make sure you know what you want from him before you get in too deep.

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Even though this guy says he just wants to remain friends, he's just in denial. He does want a relationship it sounds like, and he wants to be more than just friends. But he is holding himself back a little, and trying not openly admit it. Even though he is texting you and as you said, talking about the future together. If you just want to remain friends and not have a relationship, I suggest just to have a talk with him.

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