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Fairy tales for the hip generation


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The hardest part is separating the truths.

Oh, the Youth of Today..

But You see, I was under the impression,

That it wasn't at all like any of this.


I'm used to fairy tales.

Grow up to be a princess, Youth of Today.

Catch up and wait for me

I'm starting to fall, fail, wave my arms pathecticly.


I saw her - I cant claim I didn't.

Smiling so wide, blonde hair flowing in the wind.

That same sparkling smile lighting the ballroom.

She was special; facinating


At least I though she was.

She thought she was.

Dress up takes on a new meaning now,

Fairy tales are so easy to tell, I'm a princess after all?


I do resent being flawed.

I do resent you being so completely imperfect.

Perfection has one hell of a grip,

Harder than the ground in winter.


He, you didn't mean it.

No one really did.

Plently of fun and games in my fairy tales.


I'm just not sure Youth of Today

If the Youth of Today's tomorrow

Will be anything like mine, yours, mine.


None of this is about the pestering ringing,

Nats swarming round my ears

Invading into my eyes

Forcing themselves into my skin


Grow up Youth of Today.

Just grow up.



Yeah, I know it's not great, it's the first poem I've ever written. The grammar is pretty bad. Still, I figured it would be nice to post a poem just because.


"Perhaps one day you will be old enough to read fairy tales" - CS Lewis

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It's a shame that many children don't read fairy tales anymore - they are given Playstations and set down in front of the latest Toy Story Part 5832...

Fairy Tales are what give children dreams and hopes...


I still believe in them, and I'm a man, 25!


Never stop dreaming... Never stop believing in Fairy Tales...

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Don't stop believing in fairy tales. The saddest part of growing older is losing the magic from childhood. Fairy tales and dreams can come true. Just have to look at it with the wide eyed innocence of a child.


Blured, that was a good. Keep writing, its good to do and you'll get better with practice.

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