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Cholesterol- I hate genes....

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I'm really mad.


My doctor just called me with lab results and stated that my LDL cholesterol went up to 187. That is TERRIBLE!


I'm really frustrated because I know it's all genetics.


I exercise 6 days a week- religiously. I lost 30 pounds and kept it off for 2 years. I weigh 125lbs now….my bodyfat percentage is around 15%. I rarely consume over 25-30 grams of fat per day- I only eat good fats.


When I go to restaurants I always order boring grilled chicken salad with no dressing. Bad foods are not even a part of my lifestyle.


Imagine, my LDL cholesterol was much lower (around 150) BEFORE I made all of these healthy lifestyle changes.


My father had a heart attack when he was MY AGE. So my doc says this is all family history. She does not want to put me on medication (thankfully). She wants me to take an Omega 3 fatty acid supplement daily and eat more cholesterol-lowering foods. Hello oatmeal and cheerios (now I have to add more carbs )


I'm just annoyed because the way I live…and my level of activity should make me model of health….yet instead my LDL cholesterol went up, regardless. I feel like all my hard work is negated- and that I'm a walking heart attack.





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Ah, I kind of can relate. It's like my family's enormous high risk of breast cancer...I am the model of health - eat well, exercise 6 days a week as well in some form, get regular physical checkups, limit any bad foods.....and the chances are still about 6-7 times the normal populations risk that I will get breast cancer before I even reach menopause and have to go through chemo and mastectomies.


Fortunately I have found a good doctor whom understands that and my concern and will help me have a good plan for me, but while I can decrease some things, I can't remove the genetic risk I have.


Oatmeal and Cheerios for example are good, they really help with cholesterol. If those dietary changes don't work though, I WOULD consider medications - while not ideal, they are effective in reducing your risk.


I am sorry to hear though, I know how defeated you feel when this is known....but be thankful of how much they have improved detection, and prevention, and treatment since your father's time even.

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Bran was actually one of the foods my doctor mentioned. I have a high fiber diet already- but I guess I'll have to change it to even higher soluble fiber. I just found this online:



When regularly eaten as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, soluble fiber has been shown to help lower blood cholesterol. Foods high in soluble fiber include oat bran, oatmeal, beans, peas, rice bran, barley, citrus fruits, strawberries and apple pulp.


Worst part is- I already eat a lot of those foods. I guess I'll have to add more. But that also adds carbs- so that means I'll have to more cardio for me to make up for it.


I hope those foods help because I don't want to die of heart disease. I just worry because I'm 26 right now-living well and healthy- yet with high cholesterol- so what will age 50 be like?





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I am sorry to hear though, I know how defeated you feel when this is known....but be thankful of how much they have improved detection, and prevention, and treatment since your father's time even.


Thanks RayKay.


Yes- at least I can be thankful for that.


I get re-tested in April- if it's not down by then I may consider medication.




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Bran was actually one of the foods my doctor mentioned. I have a high fiber diet already- but I guess I'll have to change it to even higher soluble fiber. I just found this online:





Worst part is- I already eat a lot of those foods. I guess I'll have to add more. But that also adds carbs- so that means I'll have to more cardio for me to make up for it.


I hope those foods help because I don't want to die of heart disease. I just worry because I'm 26 right now-living well and healthy- yet with high cholesterol- so what will age 50 be like?






Is your doc aware you are already doing this?


If you are also doing lots of cardio you don't want to burn out either! Also, you can reduce calories in other areas, to make up for the carbs. And just do it with small things, like add extra bran to breakfast...ie All Bran cereal. Can also be added in small amounts to yogurt, salads, etc.

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Is your doc aware you are already doing this?


Yes....she knows that I eat well (that I'm already eatign many of those foods) and that I'm active. I just had my annual appointment with her a couple of weeks ago. She praised me for my habits- my diet- my exercise.


That's why she called me personally to tell me the bad results- instead of mailing them or having one of the nurses call. She still thinks I should try eating even more cholesterol lowering foods - before we consider medications.


One of the things she did say is that she wants me to re-test in April because she saw me right after the holidays. She stated that even though I fasted for the bloodwork- that my system could have the residual effects of eating fatty foods at Christmas (I cheated big time on Christmas Eve, Christmad Day, and New Years Eve). I also had a lot of alcohol then (no beer- but mixed drinks). My body is not used to eating like that- it could have possibly affected the results by a few points. (The LDL is still too high to be from that alone though)


So I'm going to try to eat even more cholesterol-fighting foods, take an omega 3 fatty acid supplement, and then get re-tested. Even though I do intense cardio 3 times a week - and weight training and yoga for the other 3 days- I was thinking of adding a brisk walk every night after dinner. I really don't want to "burn out" from cardio, as you mentioned- but maybe small changes like a walk will also make a difference.


I'm sure hoping that they do!




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Hey BD,

I have similar problems.

A long family history of heart problems, heart attacks, angina, high blood pressure, etc etc etc.


I believe there are products to lower cholesterol. Whether or not they work, I have no idea.

But here in the UK, there are many products claiming to drastically lower cholesterol - from drinks to spreads.

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BellaDonna BellaDonna BellaDonna BellaDonna BellaDonna BellaDonna


First of all, I would like to explain why I want to tell you my story. I found this website yesterday because I was looking for some remedy to get my girlfriend back through google. I have read a few of your posts and realised that you are a very rational and intelligent women and I would like to ask for your advice if that is possible. Please read my story, I beg you! The woman I just lost is so important to me.


My name is Bruce, my English name though. I am a 25-year-old Chinese boy who is funny, sporty and strive to excellence. My (ex) girlfriend is a German who is 22-year-old, beautiful, easy-going, very nice personality and very good manner. We met each other in the British university and we were together for one year and nine months. We both now are studying our Master in different British university, 2 hours by train from each other. We visited each other almost every week since we started our master study in the UK.


On 15th of January 2006, she was so excited about my visit on Sunday, 21st of January 2006. She was talking about what are we going to do on the weekend and she said that she would like to introduce me to her friends. In the evening of 17th of January 2006, she sounded very sad on the phone and I sensed something wrong was going on. I said what’s going on, honey? She did not speak, then, I said the mot stupid things in my entire life. I said: “honey, don’t be so sad. If you want to end up the relationship, that’s fine with me. I love you; I just want you be happy” She cried on the phone and said: “Bruce, I am sorry, I am sorry.” Two minutes after that, I got a text from her saying “Bruce, please be safe and let me know how is things going, I do not want to lost contact with you”. Suddenly, I realised we broke up, it was 12 mid-night. I jumped out of my bed, and phoned her “it seems we broke up, I want to know why?”

She gave me two reasons: 1, she is afraid of my anger, she knows I will put all the blames on her if she told me that she had a stalker. She said she need a supporting boyfriend if she had a stalker not and boyfriend who blames her. 2: she need more space, she want to be herself. I asked her give a chance and she refused. That was the end of the conversation. Suddenly, I realised how much I care bout her, how much o love her and I just make the most stupid mistake in my entire life. I could not sleep anymore, cried and wrote her an email to tell her how stupid I was and how wonderful she is.

The next two days, I did some serious thinking about us for the first time. I realised three things: 1, she loved me so much but I did not cherish; 2, I should never ever say “if you want to end the relationship, that is fine with me; 3, I am going to do whatever I can to save the relationship. So, on Friday night (the third after we broke up), I got on the train with a bunch of roses. It was 10pm when I arrived in the front of her house, she wasn’t at home and so I started waiting. I decided to show her that I can change my bad temper by standing in the front of her house until next morning. One hour later, I got a text from her, saying “Are the reports of you are standing in the front of my house right? If yes, I can tell you now that I will not give you another chance, my only offer is friendship.” I did not reply her text, at 12pm, I was so cold and I text her “I just want to show you that I can change and I want to back.” No reply from her, and later on I tried to call her but her phone was switched off.


At 2:30am, I was so cold, the temperature was-2. I did not understand why switched her phone and let me standing there. Doesn’t she worry about my safety, or how cold it is? I was so sad. So, I stopped the police car, the policeman got me a taxi back home.


After I got back home, I cried all the time. I cried not because we broke up but because I had a girl who is so perfect to me and I love her so much, but I did not realise that since I always put my study first. I could not stop thinking of her and crying. I phoned her and told her how I feel at the moment. She cried on the phone as well and said “sorry to cause you so much pain, but I can not give you another chance.” Two days later, I called her again and beg for a chance, she was cool on the phone this time and said that she did not want to deal with me anymore. I sensed that she got some other bloke.


We were together for 20 21 months and she loved me so much; I was very sweet to her sometimes. I was being grumpy because I put too much focus on my study, thereforeeee, I did not realise that how much she loved me. The worst thing is that I did not realise I care about her a lot and love her so much. Why she suddenly become so cruel to me? She does not want to answer my phone, email….i dare not to contact her at the moment.


I love her so much and want her back. I am willing to do anything! I was planning to stand in the front of her hosue for 24 hours with bunch of roses on Valentine’s Day. However, I think that will only push her further away from me, so, give up this idea.


I really love her and I know how to be a good boyfriend now. Unfortunately, I do not know o how to get her back to me. Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee help. My email, email removed

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I understand your frustrations on the cholesterol results. I too have a family history of heart disease from my father and grandparents on both sides of the family. I myself had had high cholesterol and triglycerides. I havent exercised in quite a while like i should have and have been through alot of stress the last 2 years. ( you might remember from my post on INFIDELITY forum) . I had let things get slack on eating right and exercising. With the family history my dr chose to put me on meds when he got my test results back. But has told me with proper diet and lots of exercise i may be able to control in on my own with out meds in the future. I am now trying get my eating and my daily routine back in order. I hope that your efforts prove to be beneficial.

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I was doing some reading on the treadmill this morning at the gym, and found out a couple things that *may* benefit you. Of course, maybe not, but I thought of you and thought they were worth sharing.


For the record this was in a health magazine, name of which escapes me now.


First bit of information is that you may want to ask your doctor to send you to an endocrine specialist. Some women whom display certain symptoms such as high cholesterol, adult acne, stubborn weight, irregular cycles, and some other things, are actually suffering Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Once considered an infertility issue, it is now seen as an endocrine issue, related much to how diabetes works regarding insulin sensitivity. Now, you don't need to have ALL the symptoms..some just have one or two of them, but they say some with stubborn high cholesterol levels even with diet changes may have it and there are ways to address it. Many doctors may still be unaware how high cholesterol can be related to endocrine issues!


Second, I read the results of a study that showed women whom drank 1 litre of carbonated mineral water, lowered their total cholesterol over 2 months by 7%, and the bad cholesterol was reduced 15%. Something to do with the minerals speeding the metabolising of cholesterol or something!

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Thanks RayKay. I doubt it's PCOS. though, I've read up on it a little- the only symptom I have is the high cholesterol:


I don't have anything else listed there (thankfully)


But I will definitely try the carbonated mineral water. I drink a lot of water anyways- so it's worth a shot to try drinking a liter of that.




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