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Why does he never call me even though he seems so interested??

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I've been casually dating a guy for 2 months. We just spent the whole weekend together and last night before I left I asked him if he is also sleeping with other people and he said no and told me that he wants to have dinner with me soon and wants to talk about the two of us, where we're at emotionally and what we both want from the relationship. He said he thinks it's time to talk about us because things shouldn't be undefined any longer. He also told me that he really likes me, doesn't want me to go out with someone else and that he is interested in seeing where this goes.


But: Sometimes he doesn't call me for days and doesn't show me that he's thinking about me and cares about me in any way. He also always sets up dates spontaneously and doesn't ask me in advance. He didn't call or text me today even though we had such a great time on the weekend. He has a very demanding job and works long hours but I'm still disappointed cause sometimes I don't hear from him in days. When we're together he's different and I feel that he really likes me. I just don't know what to make of that especially now that we're going to have the talk soon. It makes me very insecure. All I want are some little signs here and then.


What do you think? Is this bad or normal?

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Just wait it out until you two have "the talk". I was seeing someone for a while who was exactly like that, only he didn't wait days to call...He NEVER called. It was always me calling him. We talked online sometimes. But when we were together he genuinely seemed interested...until he slept with me. I'm not saying this will be the case with you. As a matter of fact, since he actually seems to care enough to even SPEAK of having "the talk" with you, he may be an alright guy. Maybe he doesn't contact you as often because he wants to keep your interest. Doesn't want to smother you. As I said, just wait till you have the talk. Just don't sleep with him beforehand! lol. That is if you haven't already. Good luck.

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I would say, when you actually DO have the talk, be honest with him and let him know that if you two are going to be together, you need more communication from him. I know it must not be fun to have a seemingly great guy who never calls. But he seems to be pretty open about communicating with you and whatnot... so give him the benefit of the doubt, and be honest with him. I bet things will work out fine if you do.


good luck!!

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