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what if i get mad at him?

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sometimes my mike goes to far when he is in front of his friends becuase he just likes to play around with certian stuff and when i do get pissed or eritated about what he is doing i hold it in and i dont let him know till alot alot later about how i felt, is this wrong to do or should i somehow let him know right on the spot about how i was feeling?

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I'm not certain, but my best guess is not to say something at that very moment, for risk of him getting defensive. You don't want to back him into a corner in front of friends, he'll feel threatened.


BUT, you do need to tell him that you won't stand for it, and it hurts you. Never keep things like this in. It seems easier to just deal with it inside yourself, but you'll find that that's a quick way to a sad ending relationship. Be positive and be open and honest.


The other thing to consider is that if you can't talk to him or he won't listen, then you may want to re-evaluate what you are together for. Remember that it needs to be healthy for both of you!


Good luck, I hope I helped your confidence!

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