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Still have feelings... strange...

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I've seen two girls since my relationship of 5 years broke up 4 months ago...


The girl i'm currently seeing (call her D) is everything I could ever ask for in a person. I won't even go into that because i'll be rambling for weeks! hahaha.


Anyway, this morning I ran into the other girl I saw (call her C) (for a month). It was pretty much a mutual break up between us, I had enough of her being lazy and not wanting to do anything. So I had a go at her, and it ended. We still speak once a week via email, but never see each other.


I saw C this morning, and all these emotions came rushing back. I realised I still have VERY strong feelings for her. I'm surprised these feelings exist because I'm currently seeing someone who is perfect in every way, and is everything C wasn't. I couldn't be happier with D, but C is just so gorgeous.


I started speaking with C again, more via email and she came straight out and said she's not interested in seeing anyone, and nothing further should come of us. I told her i'm not thinking that as I'm seeing someone else (hmmm.. maybe bull * * * *, but that covered my back).


Do I want C because I can't have her? Is it purely a physical thing? What the hell should I do? What can I do?


Oh and D (the one i'm seeing at the moment) is going overseas in a month!! So that's not a long term prospect. Just enjoying each other while we can.

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Hi there!


Glad to see you are hanging in there. About C...I suspect it's a combination of physical chemistry and wanting what you can't have. Relationships like that in my experience are very superficial and never last. Enjoy your time with D. Take care and good luck with everything.

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