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Why Do Nice Guys Finish Last? Does This Girl Like Me?

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Hiya Folks


This is my first time on this message board but I'd like to say thanks to Arman for helping me setting up my account..


This is my problem..


A) I met this girl that I went to school with at a club one night and we started to talk and we were getting on well and we swapped phone numbers etc, I've always know this girl well and she used to be in a 3 and half year relationship with someone I know and he finished with her so I said I'd like to be her friend. Through time we talked/went out etc and then I began to get more attached to this girl which eventully ended up with me liking her, I asked her if their would be a chance? And she said Yes their would be a chance but she needed time after her last relationship and she said it wouldn't be fair on me if we went out as she wasn't ready to commit to a relationship. Ok So that was cool.. We were still close friends..


My cousin comes to visit from Canada, I introduce them and yes you guess it right.. She goes off with him behind my back and tells me when he goes home.. Of Course I was disappointed and deeply hurt by a family member betraying me... and a friend who said their could be something for us.. just crushing it all.. Ok So I was gutted!! for a while and hurt but i didn't let it get me too much down..


B)I went out few weeks later and meet this great girl, We again swapped numbers and began to phone/text each other. I asked her out one day and she said come round and make pancakes with me for breakfast, We were ment to spent the whole day but I was called to work, So it was a morning and we had fun.. We spoke later tht night and agreed to meet up on the Thursday but she cancelled at the last min, I had cancelled the following sunday before, maybe this was payback? Anyways she's at a music festival but last thing she messaged me on Thurs was "hopefully we can meet up after the festival next week?"


I've not spoke to her since Thursday.. What I guess I'am trying to find out is from a girls perspective and a males advice is do you think this girl is being nice to let me down? and she's not interested?



I have been hurt before and when my cousin did that with my last crush that hurt but I don't know I always seem to have a hard time when it comes to love and get screwed over all the time.


Sorry for this post being sooo long for a first newbie rookie.


but thanks for reading... hope i didn't bore you..

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Welcome! And of course, we are not bored....!!

I am sorry to hear about the last crush. I think sometimes we get ourselves into passion-based fun (running off with the visiting cousin) simply for the heck of it. She said she was not ready for a commitment, she did not say she was not ready for some short term fun.....hurtful yes, and I am glad you are done with her...but I hope you can see that it really had nothing to do with you.

Second topic. The new girl, as you said sometimes people have to cancel dates....you did, so why would you assume her doing so is payback? maybe she just had something to do! I would say you should respond and let her know that you got her txt and tell her you hope to see her at the show as well.

Simple as that.

You have to put your heart out there, even if its scary...or we would never find love at all!

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  • 3 weeks later...

honestly in my opinion I think it works both ways nice girls finish last too. but really its just because they are always the one to get hurt because they are going to go out of their way to not hurt someone BUT not everyone is like that and when something bad happens SOMEONE is going to get hurt and its just the NICE girl/guy because they tried so hard not to be the one to hurt the other person. but thats just my opinion

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  • 5 weeks later...

no, nice guys do not finish last. i met my boyfriend of 2 1/2 years through a mutual friend on a blind date. after that first date, we talked through mostly e-mail, and we'd keep attempting to meet up and get together again and one thing or another would come up (for 1 1/2 years). a lot of stuff happened between the time i first met him and our first real "alone" date, then one day, finally i called him and said, ok..enough of this..lets meet up...and we've been together ever since, and i love him dearly. he's one of those "nice guys", and he always said that they finish last...now he says differently. i firmly believe that when its right, it will happen. i think if we got together anytime before, it would never have worked because we were in a different place in our lives. there are a lot of girls out there that need a nice guy like you, but they won't be able to appreciate you until the time is right. good luck!

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  • 4 weeks later...

i've had almost the same type of scenario except you need to replace your cousin with my best friend. And you need to add and ex who is a stalker.


Too long of a story to post the whole thing though. I'd have to say nice guys do finish last. Every Single one of my friends who are girls were once my crush, and i got told the same thing by all of them. ''you are a really great guy, and SOME DAY you will make a very LUCKY girl, very happy". They say this while they are busy talking to me about how their boyfriends that they picked up after shooting down me are such jerks and i am left thinking. So you say your boyfriend is a jerk and i am a great guy, and i will make a lucky girl happy. Gee that means alot thanks.

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