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A guy that doesn't make you cry...

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Is someone cares about you they wouldn't make you cry on purpose - but the simple reality of relationships is that sometimes things get rough. Relationships means EMOTIONS - both good and bad. If you never get upset or cry with someone then I'd wonder how you really felt about someone. I remember going out with someone once and we both commented that we were really good together because we never fought or upset each other - it wasn't until much later that we realised it was a bad sign - a sign there was no real passion or involvement between us.


A friend may not make you cry but a partner almost certainly will at somepoint merely because you are vulnerable to them, attached to them and affected so much by the things they do or say.

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I agree. If you don't cry or get effected by the other person that you can't really love them. Or it wouldn't seem. For the longest time I didnt cry infront of my ex....but I started to cry when ever he would leave...and then when he would get mad at me I would cry and then he broke my heart.

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I worried about that, I met the guy I thought was my perfect match. He'd do stuff that would irritate me, or was rather inconsiderate and I never yelled, never cried. Not sure why. Wish I knew!


But I can say I didn't love him. Though, in time, I feel it was headed that way.


I was so concerned that we hadn't argued, because that proves to me, at least, that you really feel strongly about something! And that was an issue I had with him--his feelings towards me weren't as strong as he tried to make them seem. Or as strong as I wanted them to be.


So the crying thing...it speaks volumes.


Of course, no one should cry all the time...that's a whole nother thread! LOL!

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I don't think that phrase is supposed to be taken literally. I think it's nearly impossible for some to just not cry at all, especially when things get hard.


I think that phrase really just means that the right guy won't make you cry, as in break your heart. He won't hurt you in ways he can help, such as cheat.

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Hmm, I don't take that so literally either.


The truth is that love will have moments of sadness and pain, I hate fighting with those I love, and that makes me cry sometimes! Sadness and tears are not something to fear...if I did not cry, I would think perhaps I did not care enough. But we as couples can still grow through those hard times too. My boyfriend is the right one for me, sometimes we both cry, but we never intentionally hurt one another....his tears hurt me, and my tears hurt him and while we would rather not have those times, we do not expect it always to be easy. When we give our love, we often become vulnerable, and along with that comes on occasional unintentional hurt and fears.


I do think that the right one does not intentionally seek to hurt, abuse, manipulate, lie, cheat or any of those things that would make you cry however. There is also difference between emotion and drama.

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