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Important Decisions

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I would like to know what people think about making big important decisions while feeling depressed.


As in my case: (don't have to read!)

For the past 4 months or so I have been feeling pretty depressed because of the way my relationship with my gf was going. We broke up at the weekend and so I'm obvioulsy not feeling great.

Part of the problem is and my counsellor told me this too, my job is extremly boring. I usually have no work to do and I'd say in an average day I might do 5 - 10 mins of actual work. So I sit there and dwell on my problems.

My old work are dying to have me back and pay me more but I did leave there for a reason other than money. It was my perfect dream job but the company is small and rather badly managed and this eventually got to me so much. But I was basically at the bottom of the ladder then, now they want me back and they are going to put me in a pretty high position.


I don't know what to do and I don't know if making such a change while trying to get over my failed relationship is a good idea -or- perhaps the change will help me?


Thanks for any help

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I think making decisions when your depressed can have alternate outcomes.


First of all, making the decision to break up with your girlfriend. Probably not wise when you're depressed.


But making the decision towards the personal betterment of your work situation can be very important. Things won't improve for you on their own. If you're put in a higer position with a higher wage you'll have that desire to do more since you will have something to occupy yourself with. Along with feeling more productive, you'll be in a higher position to have a say on managment and your input will matter. Make a list of the pros and cons of both situations and weigh it out

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Hi There,


I relate to what you said about being depressed and having to make choices. If we all sat around and were depressed and made no choices we could never move forward. I struggle daily with choices I have to make but they need to be made.


As for your current job I had a job like that too and I hated going to work because I felt I wasn't getting anything accomplished. You have to weigh out the pros and cons of your current job and your old job. Maybe going back to the other job might lift your spirits since you will be busy and not sitting around dwelling on your problems.


Its tough to be on depression avenue but as I am told it does get better.

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I'd say go for it, it'll make you feel better. I know its taking a risk but the thing I've learned in teh past few months is you have to take risks to get somewhere. If you go to your old job and you don't like it, theres other jobs, you might find something else you like to do. Take a chance.


See, I've been through a lot the past few years and just recently i made a whole pile of impulse decisions when I been feeling down. I bought a guitar, I went on a trip to see my parents and surprised them, I bought 2 new pairs of shoes, I died my hair blonde, I ended up getting a second job and switching the one I have now to graveyard shift (we'll see how long that lasts) lol, but you know what? I'm feeling good about it, I feel like I'm on top of the world. And life is too short, you gotta do these things, maybe a week or a year down the road I'll be ready for some more changes but I've realized you gotta make the changes you need to try to improve your life and get better. Otherwise you feel like you are stuck in a rut and theres no movin on.

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Making a decision when you are depressed can have different results depending on what decision it is. If the choice relates to the sadness and sorrow you are feeling, it may not be the wisest choice. Like if you made a choice to give up something you enjoyed just cause you didn't see a point in it anymore, that wouldn't be good. But if it is made out of an attempt to improve your situation and make you happier, then it is a wise choice.


Go ahead and go back to your old job. It was a job you liked and if you are in a better position, maybe you can try to help improve the organization. It will also get you away from something that is depressing you. Maybe the change of scenery will be enough to inspire you and get you feeling happier again.

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