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was he into me or was i wrong?

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Hi. Ok I am going try not to drone on but I am a little confused about a guy. Sorry if the story drags on but this guy did like a 360 on me. Here it goes


So i knew this guy from work we work for the same company but in completely different departments and different offices i rarely get the chance to see him but have hung out with him twice before with a group at an outing and got along pretty good.

So at the Christmas party he asked me to come sit with him at his table after dinner and told me how much he liked my perfume stared at my boobs and then would speak to everyone else at the table only briefly talking to me, then later in the evening i saw him coming back from going for a smoke with some others and i stopped him in the lobby and chatted breifly and really turned on the flirty charm but we are friends so i was frank but not overbearing and asked him why he was ignoring me(in a cutey voice) to which he replied to me that he wasn't that it was all business and would never do that. then i told him that i was thinking with a grin on my face and he said yeah and i told him that i was thinking that he should take me out he then said what now? i said no another day and then he stammered a little not knowing what to say got shy alittle and then leaned over to me and said he was glad we were on the same page, but were then interrupted and he had to talk with another group and some of my friends came to get me. So later as i left the party i said goodbye to him and put my hand on his back and told him goodbye and he said well give me a hug and he wrapped his arms around me for what appeared to be a long time then asked how i was getting home and i told him a cab and he said good i just wanted to make sure, and then i said i would talk to him soon and he said yeah see you soon.

About a week later after discussing it with my girls as to weither i should call him or not i did. I called him shortly before Christmas and we talked on the phone about 15 mins and he kept talking and then finally in the conversation i said to him oh the reason i called and he said yeah i said so i was wondering if you would like to go see a movie tomorrow and he said man who has the time i have been so busy with Christmas, work and planning for his vacation in January, so i said oh ok then he said what about next week and on the day after boxing day and i couldn't because i would not be back from vacation until that night so i told him that and he said oh ok why don't you give me a call when your back and we can make plans to go out another time i said well your probably going to be busier than i am why don't you give me a call after that day and i wasn't sure he heard me say that cuz the next thing he said was have merry christmas and good bye. So i thought he would call me so i waited for his call but nothing so about 4 days later i gave him a call and no answer so i left a message that i hope he had a good Christmas and a happy new year and that we should do something this week and it has been about 4 days and no call back.

I thought from everything that he was in to me like i was in to him. am i wrong? or was he just being polite? I am not going to call him back cuz i gave it my 3 chances but maybe i misinterpreted that. and how long would a guy take to call you back? what is the deal there? it just doesn't make sense to me.

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hmmm.... I reckon give it a miss for the time being. Wait until you run into him again. Don't mention the previous attempts to contact him, and just see if that connection is still there. I think you will probably know one way or the other when you see him in person next.

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Hey girl lol I spontaneously took off and went to BC - just thought i'd let u know. I read this post and I'm like, this sounds ALL too familiar.... and then i'm like - i know who this is... SO yea I kinda been wondering whats goin on with this situation. Its possible really he is just busy but also possible he just not into you too. I dunno - take it easy for now and I mean he should have called by now but who knows whats going on that he might just not have time. But yea I know that is hard but i think just get over him - you'll find someone just hang in there. I'll call u when i get back into town

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i agree with poke, just let things be for now. You've shown him signs you like him and want to spend more time with him. You've asked on several occasions if he'd like to go out. When you see him next see if he mentions going to see a movie or suggests someting. I'd say if he doesnt even mention anything and just carries on as normal then its a safe bet he aint interested, just think of it as his loss.

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