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never quite get there... is it normal??

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hi... well... i started masturbating when i was 5... at least that is the first time i remember.. anyhoos... that was 15years ago... and well... the thing is that i think that i've alway been close... and i think that just before i'm about to orgasm... i lose it... i just stop... i stop feeling anything... is it normal?? has anyone had the same problem???


thanks.... geoblue

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You were raped at 4, started masturbating at 5 and you wonder if something's wrong?




Let's start with some obvious questions:


1) Does masturbating make you happy or do you feel ashamed?

2) Have you talked to anyone about the rape?

3) How do you feel about yourself - your self-identity?

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Hey, I read your post about you being raped at 4. That's horrible. I was raped at 15 and yes it did affect me sexually but I wasn't conscious of my problem at the time. I just avoided going out with anyone who might want to do anything heavy. It's also a point against a lot of women because we often think of our privates as 'dirty' or 'gross' and that discourages us from wanting someone to touch, look or even lick there! HORRIBLE! This is just something you've got to get over. The rape issue is even deeper. You've got to learn to not associate it with sex on the whole. Not all people are out there to hurt or violate you and you need to try to accept love and the fact that you can enjoy it too. Sometimes self-manipulation (ok...masturbation!) during sex can help a woman to achieve orgasm. Who says you can't touch yourself during sex! It helps! If he's not hitting the right spot then why don't you help out! But you'll have to get over your hangups first. That's the tough part. GOOD LUCK and keep up hope and happiness.

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well... these last 3 weeks of my life I discovered messageboards... and I have this almost frivolous freedom of speech that I do not posess naturally and verbally. It is like nothing I've experienced before... so yes I can say that I've 'talked' about it... in that I have written in another msgbrd that it as happened... there was something that happened that night that was worse than the rape... and my shrink kind of knows about that.... but... I've never talked to her about the CSA... my uncle SA from 3 yrs... and my father's 'friends' from 3 too... my father didn't care for me... which is how this all happened.... I guess I don't believe in fussing over spilled milk as such...

I've had two sexual partners... well... one was more of a drunken thing one night... never again...

The other was a wonderful guy who I went out with when I was 17... he was 19 and perfect... I of course broke his heart... because it is in my programming... then I emmigrated to canada when I barely turned 18 and been here for the last two years... I speak to him all the time... I actually believe that perhaps I loved him... I never thought I'd allow myself to. Anyways... he was m first voluntary sexual partner... and so gentle and patient... never forced me to do anything... lay with me and comforted me when I cried after we had sex... he was so kind... I made him cry because he was so upset for what he believed was him hurting me! He wanted to stop because he thought that he was hurting me... but he wasn't...

Oh god... I want to tell my shrink about SA... I've been going to her every week during uni term for the last 18months... and she is wonderful... I was turned away by 4 shrinks when I was little and I guess that didn't help... they said they weren't trained enough to help me....

She doesn't know about the rape... I'm afraid to tell her in a way... because although I can speak a little more... and joke a little more about sex than I used to... I sit there in her office and I know that as soon as I think about it... I will be a child again... and I won't know the words...

I mean... what do I just say?? Hi, how are you? had a good week? by the way did I mention that before they murdered my friend they raped her repeatedly and raped me too??

ARG.... the frustration just.... grrr.... I always try to be so cheerful about things... you know... after I told her about the beatings and everything I would chuckle so that it didn't seem so bad.... like it wasn't me they hurt... like all the scars on my arms legs and back were not there... like someone put them there as part of a costume... but I know... that telling a real living person about the SA... I know that I would just cry or scream or get upset... for goodness sake I'm sitting here watching the screen becoming blurrier and blurrier... why am I crying???????? I'm so BLOOODY WEEK and pointless.... I hurt the only man that will ever want to love me... the only man other than my grandfather that treated me kindly... that didn't try to hurt me... "play" with me... use me... and now I'm just some fat ugly almost 20 year old.... I don't want to turn 20 next sunday... I want to turn 70 already... and have this lonely life over and done with....

what the hell????.... arg....this posting is starting to go to places that I never planned... I don't know... perhaps I'll see if safeway is open... I've got no more food....

I'm sorry.... I really am... I'm just going to press submit....

love geobluexx

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Wow what a wonderful outpouring since the original post....

I am sorry for your pain. I think that it is important to talk about the "SA"

to your counselor. And yes walking in and saying hey by the way...is just fine..that's what they are paid for. If you have a hard time expressing it, they should talk you through it. You can also always put in writing and ask them to read it if you are worried you will not be able to talk. You laughing in counseling is a defense mechanism if your counselor is any good she sees right through it...

and in regards to the original question, I do in fact think the sexual gratification issue is directly linked.

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ok... feeling a bit better now... thanks... yes... it does seem bad sometimes... better when I read it and then pretend that it isn't me... in fact I don't need to pretend... I almost automatically separate myself from my memories... I guess it is the only way I can cope... myah.....


love, geobluexx

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