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Something in the Works?..Maybe..

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Hi All!


Well, here's the situation: I've been exchanging long emails the past 6 days with this girl I got to know towards the end of the semester. In the Email before last, I asked for her number and she gave it to me and I talked with her for half an hour today. I think things might just be friendly at this point but I can't be sure, nor do I wan't to get ahead of myself. Example: When talking with her today, about 15 minutes in, when the covo had sort of come to a natural break, I say that I don't wan't to take up her phone minutes or time and she responds that her weekend minutes are free/that she had plenty of time. Also, when we finally did bring the call to a close, it wasn't a quick "okay, talk to you later" We actually took about a minute saying goodbye and I told her I'd call her again soon and she told me that she would keep emailing.


Any feedback you guys can give would be appreciated. If you need me to clarify any details, let me know.



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Sounds like the conversation went good and everything is going well. Long emails show you have things to talk about and moving to the phone is always a great step. Right now you can't really say if its just friends or could be headed for more, assuming you are interested in that. Keep doing what you are doing. Based on the posts of yours I've read, you have a good sense of what to do and how to handle things.


You're on break right now? Is it a situation where you could meet up in person or is there distance keeping you apart? If you can meet up, see about doing that.

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Hi Disciple, I'm not sure what kind of feedback you're looking for. It sounds like things are going pretty well! I guess the next step might be to ask her out for something really harmless, like coffee or something. At least that's what I'd do, but I'm way older than you and the dating game might be pretty different at your age.

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we've kept up our emails and last night I tried to call her but had to leave a message but she called me back and then we talked for 40 minutes. I'm definitely interested in being relaxed about this but I think I definitely will spend more time with her after I get back. If I can accomplish something by being genuine and myself then I'll be eve happier

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