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Boobs: Big or Small?

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Personally I am a girl size 34 B, I used to think that my breasts were really small but now I think they're beautiful. In fact being bi, I think that all breasts are beautiful, size nonwithstanding, it really just depends on how a girl carries herself and her personality. I can say however, that it is a huge turnoff to girls to have their breasts stared at, no matter what the size.

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  • 2 weeks later...

THANK you Jim!! that was really sweet!!...im a female i would want myne smaller if i had to chose. but if i really had to chose i wish it wouldnt really matter and every guy would jsut look into their eyes becuz WE ARE HUMANS!! we dont look at your penis's to decide if we want you or not so dont decide by our breasts!!

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  • 7 months later...

I haven't read all of the posts, but I prefer smaller breasts. If you are just looking, large breasts are nice, but realistically, anything more than...say...a handful, is a turn-off for me (and probably for most guys).


My girl is small, I don't know much about cup sizes, but she's an A I guess. It doesn't matter ONE BIT to me though, because I love the girl. If a guy cares about a girl, her breast size won't mean a damn thing to him.

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