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Hey can it ever be a good sign if a guy laughs at you?


Like per say if you do something stupid and he laughs, can't that mean he's paying attention to you and enjoys you and your stupidities. Or is unsolicited laughter more often than not the guy being rude and disrespectful?


Like if I said something dumb in front of my boss or teacher they might not laugh if I said the same thing to some dude who was the slightest bit into me. let me know what you think.



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To me laughing and teasing is a sign of being comfortable.

If something is funny, I'll laugh, I can't help it and I do it when I'm comfortable with someone.

It is kind of flirtatious, but flirting like this isn't a definite sign to me... it could be a sign of affection or it might just be a sign of ordinary friendship.


I'd go on other things as well, at least then the laughter can be put in context and a better picture can be formed.

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to me it seems meaningless... it's at the least irrelevant in my opinion and I wouldn't pay it any attention. I wouldn't worry!

Sometimes people laugh when someone says something awkwardly, and maybe you were a little awkward? To me it's just not important.


He already asked me out a couple days before this, but was joking/serious when he did so...
What happened, are you going to do something?
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Um I said it really happy because I was leaving lol and I didnt say no or yes when he asked me I just smiled I guess, But I could have taken it like he was serious and said yea but was too cowardly to do so (bummer). I think he knows that I'm attracted to him because I stare at him a lot (not on purpose it just kinda happens when I get bored lol)..

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well ok, I still think it is such a small thing and I laugh like that all the time and other people do it too. I don't think twice about it, but that's just me.

Does it matter if it is a good or bad sign? Can't you just not worry about it and look for other things?


If he asked you out, I'd take that as a good sign, even if he was joking - he could have joked because he was shy, because he didn't know how else to do it or because he was a jerk. The last option is easily ruled out if you look at his other actions.

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What kind of laughter was it? Was it loud? Or was it a quiet nervous chuckle? Being shy I can see myself give a nervous and shy chuckle if someone I liked said something that made me feel awkward.


But like registered said, there are other better signs to look out for. He asked you out. Was it joking or serious? Maybe he meant it put was trying to play it cool so as to not be too nervous. And you just smiling made him more nervous so that when you spoke to him again he didn't know what to do. Thus he laughed because thats what people tend to do when they don't know what else to do.

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