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i am about to get divorce from a 30 years of being marry the problem he sold the bussiness behind my back has two of four kids on his side because right now i have nothing he sold all my house belongings kick me and my 14 year old out of our home for our son and his soon to be wife said all his money is made under the table so i will not get anything is living with someone but son took over bussiness tells me sorry if sides with me father will not give money to him and wife dont know where to start is threating me i took all your things and i will be left with nothing after all over and my 14 year old will have to go with him too please tell me what to do

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On 2002-02-20 22 Anonymous wrote:

i am about to get divorce from a 30 years of being marry the problem he sold the bussiness behind my back has two of four kids on his side because right now i have nothing he sold all my house belongings kick me and my 14 year old out of our home for our son and his soon to be wife said all his money is made under the table so i will not get anything is living with someone but son took over bussiness tells me sorry if sides with me father will not give money to him and wife dont know where to start is threating me i took all your things and i will be left with nothing after all over and my 14 year old will have to go with him too please tell me what to do

I think it best you find yourself a lawyer. After 30 years of marriage, he cannot just take everything away from you. There are laws for this. Seek help!
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  • 7 months later...

Talk to a women's shelter. They should have councelers and legal advice. If his money is all under the table, he may be doing things illegally, so you could report it to the police. After 30 years of marriage you should be able to get alimony. Don't worry too much about the children. Worry about yourself to start. Get a job and feel good about yourself. Make yourself look attractive and eat healthy foods. Be supportive of your own position. Tell him if it doesn't work out with the other woman that you still love him and will return to him if he wants you to.

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  • 5 years later...

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