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Friends or no?

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I met this guy through my best friend (they've been friends for 10+ years) and the three of us hung out occasionally, and me and the guy even flirted a little, not too much though. He was basically a "friend of a friend". It stayed this way for about 4 or 5 months.


But then we started talking more, hanging out more, flirting more. Eventually we even made out a few times. This only lasted a couple of weeks, though, then it went back to just friends, no kissing or making out. I never really expected it to go anywhere in the first place, and wasn't surprised when it went back to friends.


Well my best friend knew what was going on, even though I didn't come right out and tell him. But he knows me really well and I'm assuming he knows the guy really well, too since they've been friends for that long. He even joked with me about it a few times.


The guy seemed fine about being friends until he found out our friend knew about those couple of weeks. Since then he acts uncomfortable around me. I'd like to keep him as a friend, he's a nice guy, but I don't know what to do about the awkwardness.


Should I ask him what's wrong or wait and see if he'll talk first? Or should I leave him alone because he doesn't want to be friends anymore?

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Why did u kiss and made whatever you did in the first place.. Iam not trying to blame you but i cant understand if you both just like eachother as friends why all this happened..


I think you should leave him alone now.. Next time dont put yourself in a situation like this.. Someone you like as a friend, dont exceed the friendship limits with him.. and he should learn that also..


Just leave him things now and dont think about it.. You dont need more tension between you both..

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well i'm not still not sure why we did in the first place. i guess we both weren't thinking. i did kind of like him as more than a friend at first, but it just didnt seem like it would go anywhere, even then. im even more sure of it now. i already know we probably shouldn't of kissed and all that, but it already happened and i can't change the past.


i guess i'll just leave him alone then, you're right, we don't need more tension between us.

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