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Insight during the Holidays.

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Hey Guys,


I just wanted to touch base with you all regarding my current situation and maybe share a little bit of whats taken place with me over the last few months to hopefully show you that there is hope. Not hope in the sense that most of you new people to these forums might have, but instead, hope that it all gets better. Maybe not in our initial desires, but, one way or another, lifes pieces seem to fall into place, things get better, and we all heal.


Guys, chances are, only a very small fraction of us have, or ever had a chance to get our ex's back. We all try, and i think that in a way, its necessary to exhaust all possibilities in order to move on. We all, or will reach our breaking points where we just throw in the towel. I've recently done it and I feel great. She's been contacting me here and there on MSN, but, i've simply walked away.


This isn't intended to be any form of a downer, nor should it be considered a deterent. By all means, If you love your ex, go for it, go for it hard, and try everything possible. But, understand this, no matter what the outcome, life will go on, things do get better, and your best and probably only chance is to stop caring so much about spilled milk.


I can promise you this much, once you let go and move on, stop the hope, resist temptations to analyze, and just numb yourself to it all, you'll feel great....only you can decide which light you wish to stand in.


Take care all and hope your holidays are safe & Fun


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I couldnt agree more. I've been living like that for a while now, and when you finally exhaust all options and feel like it's not worth it..


Surprise.. You feel better, you find better things in life, in people and activities..


And, in my case, I've found a wonderful girlfriend who I'm spending the holidays with, and my ex... Surprise... Is feeling horrible. Crying and begging for me back.. Begging for me back, prodding, and prying into my life, and wanting to apologize for everything..


Just goes to show when you act like your fine, you really start to believe it.


Keep your heads up, keep your friends close at heart, and things WILL fall in place everyone.

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I guess this all shows that it is the " Not knowing, in between " stage which is hard, once you accept and go with the flow, you are not fighting the current anymore, and so there is less forces on you.


Oh to get to that stage has got to be the goal.


Good luck to you all and happy christmas.

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