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Dazed & Confused


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Male friend from the past has resurfaced into my life.It has been six years since we have spoken.Now that we have reunited,he has expressed his feelings about me.He expressed that he loved me &he was willing to take the chance to see if we could be more than friends.He now wants me to express my feelings about him.Now that I have done so,it appears that he has backed away from me. What should I do?

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Wow 6 years since u 2 been tlaking and he says he loves u all of a sudden? That sounds impulsive and hrmm..rushed kinda thing.

I take it you dont feel the same way as him ~~ but u wanna be friends and everything right? With me, I would confront him and talk to him about it, make each other understand and explain that you just wanna be friends and that means a lot to you. His reaction is natural since he feels so strongly about you and has probably felt ashamed or embarrassed. But dont let the communication slip away


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