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I wouldn't post so much information about your past experiences in relationships. We are all looking for a fresh start with someone else, and I think especially in the beginning we like to think that the other person has little to no baggage *which is of course not true*.


Why not tell what you LIKE, instead of trying to tell what you ARE like? I'd post things about me loving to swim and practice capoeira, that I can loose myself in a good book, what I do for a living, what my passions are. That way, it would be more likely to meet someone that I have something in common with, you see?



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About myself


Ok, as unbelievable as it may seem I'm on here with the the hopes I will find "The one" I'm not after a quick * * * * as odd as that seems coming from a guy could it not be true?

A lot of women will appreciate that, if it is sincere.

This is marketting yourself to a certain type of women.


I've been in relationships that always started with sex, after a while you begin to realise you have nothing in common with that person so you move on.

Uh oh. Don't mention past experience. Especially not saying that you moved too fast, etc.

Drop that.


I'd love to lie and say I'm happy with myself and that I have huge self confidence, what is happiness?, what is self confidence?, in my opinion (just mine, not yours) people whom claim to be 100% happy with their life are liars, what about you acne problem?

Is this implying that you have an acne problem? That's the way it may be perceived...

The questions are too deep, in my opinion.


I'm good at what I do, I'm a nice person, I'm happy with who I am and I don't want to change anything about me

Good. Maybe go into a little more detail about what you do, and what makes you happy.



, sure I don't take many risks and like to play it safe and rarely make the first move (if it's right neither person should have to make a move, it should just happen on it's own), for that I have lost many opportunities, I consider those to be good qualities and what makes me me!.

You play it safe?..

That might make you come accross as boring...

Just a thought.


Basically what it comes down to is, life is short, a week ago I was 16 and had my whole life ahead of me, in 6 years I will be 30!, I'm tired of sleeping with the first women who comes along,

Don't make yourself sound like a prostitute!!


I want to find someone whom I can be happy with


Clear, consise and sincere - good.


I know that being a nice guy means most women aren't attracted to me, that's fine. The one's that aren't can go jump because they're not right for me.

That is who you are - great.


I'm very secretive

That's too vague, and unnecessarily provoking thought into your character. If they are interested, they will find this out, anyway.


and it takes a long time to open up, hey I'm a scorpio, I like to sniff people out before I open up, is that really that bad?

You are again marketting to a certain kind of woman. If that's what you want, by all means - go ahead. But if you want a wide variation of women, change it.

People say "You don't need anyone in you life to make you happy" That's 100% true, but having someone in your life adds to your happiness and makes you more than just happy.



Ideal Partner

Basically just a good caring person.

Someone who can appreciate the shy quiet type of guy.

Yep - that's good.


Someone I ring to make sure they're alright and vice versa.

Possibly clingy? Hmm, not good.

Someone whom makes my face red and my heart race.

Someone who is attrated to my mind not my body!

Does that mean you think you are ugly? That they won't be physically attracted to you? Something to think about..


I want to know more about what makes you tick. What your interests are, etc.

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I don't like it. It comes off as desperate. Not attractive. Could use some revision.


About myself


Ok, as unbelievable as it may seem I'm on here with the the hopes I will find "The one" I'm not after a quick * * * * as odd as that seems coming from a guy could it not be true?

Admirable, but bringing up a negative thought right off the bat seems odd. How about saying something like "I'm on here with the hopes of finding Miss Right, who will sweep me off my feet and fly me to the moon."


I've been in relationships that always started with sex, after a while you begin to realise you have nothing in common with that person so you move on.

So how many STD's do you have? Maybe say something like "While I have enjoyed many intimate and fulfilling relationships, I am looking for a more mature, caring, giving, and flexible woman who can take things to the next level. I hear there's a sale on shoes there. "


I'd love to lie and say I'm happy with myself and that I have huge self confidence, what is happiness?, what is self confidence?, in my opinion (just mine, not yours) people whom claim to be 100% happy with their life are liars, what about you acne problem?

So you are a depressing, un-confident, unhappy, person? Sounds like you are boring, need therapy, desperate. How about something like "I'm just your average guy, I know what I like and what I want, and I know how to get it."


I'm good at what I do, I'm a nice person, I'm happy with who I am and I don't want to change anything about me, sure I don't take many risks and like to play it safe and rarely make the first move (if it's right neither person should have to make a move, it should just happen on it's own), for that I have lost many opportunities, I consider those to be good qualities and what makes me me!.

What do you do? Ooooh, KISS OF DEATH - you tell people you are a nice guy. You're going to attract all the gold-diggers and trickster women. You will not attract a real woman with that line, get rid of it! Instead, say something like "I so good at my job flipping burgers that I have not gotten fired in over 12 days. I'm a good guy, have lots of friends, and know who I am."


Can I give you some non-profile advice? If you, as a man, don't make the first move you are insulting women who want you to ask them out. Only a child would never ask a woman out. If you don't ask them out, they think you find them too ugly, stupid, or dumb and that is insulting to them.


Not asking a woman out is NOT a good quality. Don't admit to that.


Basically what it comes down to is, life is short, a week ago I was 16 and had my whole life ahead of me, in 6 years I will be 30!, I'm tired of sleeping with the first women who comes along, I want to find someone whom I can be happy with. I know that being a nice guy means most women aren't attracted to me, that's fine. The one's that aren't can go jump because they're not right for me.

This whole thing sounds like something you would tell a therapist. It makes you look weak and desperate. Get rid of all of it. Stop mentioning sex.


I'm very secretive and it takes a long time to open up, hey I'm a scorpio, I like to sniff people out before I open up, is that really that bad?

Awesome. Just change it slightly - "I'm very secretive, and it will take you a while to figure out who I am. Hey, I'm a Scorpio, what can I say? I have very high standards for the women I meet, so you'll have to get to know me by going on a few dates."


People say "You don't need anyone in you life to make you happy" That's 100% true, but having someone in your life adds to your happiness and makes you more than just happy.



Ideal Partner

Basically just a good caring person.

Someone who can appreciate the shy quiet type of guy.

Someone I ring to make sure they're alright and vice versa.

Someone whom makes my face red and my heart race.

Someone who is attrated to my mind not my body!

Get rid of the shy line. You won't be shy with the perfect mate.


Typo in the last line - "attracted" - but I would change that up to be funny. Someone who is attracted to my mind, body, and soul. Not my wallet."


Overall, a good start, but needs to be more positive.

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Im not so sure about that. One one hand your not saying that your a slezz bag, but on the other it could mean that you are somewat restictive. I'd have a bit more of a think there and see if you can change PocoDiablo advice a little.

Well, you don't have to be nuts, but you have to make your OWN list of standards.


Mine? Stuff like...


No redheads.

No women who are married or have boyfriends.

No drug users

No women with STD's

No women who are gold diggers

No women who are rude

No women who do not understand or like my sense of humor (it's dry)

No hermaphrodites

No smokers


You have to make your own list, and I bet you already have one. It's not crazy by a long shot, but you DO have to at least aknowledge it.

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Heres a hint. Dont bother looking for her, if u 2 come accross each other it will happen.


Best advice I've read today! And it only took all day to find it.


Keep the line about being shy, if thats who you are, you want people do know.


I'm good at what I do, I'm a nice person, I'm happy with who I am and I don't want to change anything about me, sure I don't take many risks and like to play it safe and rarely make the first move (if it's right neither person should have to make a move, it should just happen on it's own), for that I have lost many opportunities, I consider those to be good qualities and what makes me me!.


Brillant! You tell people you are a nice guy, that is bound to attract the right kind of women. And I agree, when it is right, neither is going to be the one asking. You are just going to know.


You have the right ideas of what to include. But you are very blunt about it. A lot of women might not appreciate the tone of the profile, especially the kind of girl you seem to want.

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