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feeling anxious all the time...

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hi...any comments would be greatly appreciated


i have been dating someone for 2 months, and for once i can see this relationship going far, i am 18 and he is 20...although both of us seem a lot older than that. anyways, in the past i was hurt by a boyfriend and since then have developed a fear of trusting and kept relationships going for abut a month before leaving (fear, choosing someone not right for me, not sure). i tend to jump into relationships too quickly because im determined to prove to myself that the boyfriend that hurt me had no effect on me.

for once, i felt incredibly confident in this relationship...we have an unbeliavable connection, on practically every level. that is, until my mom and i had a talk and she said something along the lines of "we met too young for this to be something serious", she said this because she truly hopes the opposite will happen because she approves of him. this put doubt/anxiety in my mind, to the point where i have trouble breathing...because i am afraid that i will run again, although i know i dont truly want to. usually, i find something wrong with the person and tell myself that they are wrong for me, to justify it. so that is it...sorry for the essay. any suggestions?

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First of all, do NOT compare your current relationship with your past in any way shape or form, it will get you nowheres.


If you feel this undeniable attraction for this guy, absolutley do not run from him if you feel you're in love with him, that's not fair to him, if he's treated you well.


Also, the reason you're having trouble breathing is because you experience that slight feeling of being without 'him' .. which shows that you do have great feelings for him, and the only way to keep yourself with him, is to be .. ... with him.


Hope this helped, fight your urges to do similar things as you used to..you know where the leads you.. and if you think about it, i'm sure you're happier with him, than you are without someone, aren't you.


Good Luck.

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I'm also 18 and in a relationship like yours. I have had past relationships that haven't worked out and was first worried that if I went into another one I would get hurt again. I really feel love for the guy I'm with now and him for me, so I learned its all about TRUST. When you enter a relationship you have to learn to trust your partner. Try not to look at your past but look toward the present and future. good luck!~

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