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do you ever feel dead inside, where you just don't know what you want to do?

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I don't know why, but right I feel so dead inside. I can't think right. I have to study for a final that is later today, but I will do that in an hour or so. Other than that, I don't feel like doing anything. I feel like I can't do anything because it may too tedious, boring, require too much effort, etc. Some days I feel this way even though there is plenty to do. I look at the clock and it is 7:50 am, still an entire day to go, yet I just don't feel like doing anything, and I feel like the day is going to take forever and be boring.


Does this ever happen to you? If so, how do you cope with it?

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I have experienced this a lot of the last few years...


I hate exercising, and believe that this is part of the reason to blame - I have had hardly any exercise in these past few years, and in the rare times I did lose my breath, I did feel slightly better for a short time afterward.


Perhaps you should go for a run? Listen to some music on the way too...

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yeah it happens to me all the time where i just lay there and not really want to do anything and like.. nothing is running through my mind.. SO i just say to myself that i am getting way to lazy and go for a run, or go work out, after words it makes me motivated to do something with the rest of my day. So... maybe you could try that?

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yeah I need to start running more, maybe that will help. But sometimes I have a list of things I want to do, but then I all the sudden get really bored and feel dead inside. That's when I just do nothing and my motivate is lost.


I felt like that earlier today, but after my final I did feel relieved and look forward to doing a lot this school break.

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