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I should have listen to u guys

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Hey guys,


I am not sure where to even start......well my gf cheated on me!!!! A few weeks ago I made a post about my gf wanting a "hook-up" with some other girl.....well she got it!!!


If i had listen to u guys i would not feel like such a fool right now. I feel so low and drained...I cannot believe she did that to me. I have been nothing but good to her all this time. and all this time she has been trying to get with Camille!!!!!!


She said she is sorry and won't do it again....i don't know what to do. I told her we can try to work it out but every time she touch me i think about her touching somebody else.


and to make matters worst, i have to see this girl at my school!!!!!!!!!!


I love her very much and want to make it work so tell me.....is the saying, once a cheater always a cheater true..????

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i know a lot of people believe that once a cheater always a cheater. and for many people...that is very accurate. they get bored with the relationship and always want what's on the other side. but not everyone who's cheated before will cheat again.

i, unfortunately, know this the hard way. i cheated on a really great guy and lost him. i hurt him and me immensely. i know now that i loved him but wasnt in love with him. but the pain i caused us both was soooo not worth it. i know now...if im not in love with the person...just break up first. now that im with my new bf who i know is fantastic...i will never EVER do that again.

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I love her very much and want to make it work so tell me.....is the saying, once a cheater always a cheater true..????


Please don't feel like a fool. It's not YOUR fault that your girlfriend cheated on you.


The saying is usually true, unless the person who is cheating realizes they have a problem and decides to get help for it.


For some the problem is sexual compulsivity, or sexual addiction.

Others is the lack of an ability to address problems directly.


Unless your girlfriend deals with the reason she is cheating on you, she will continue to do it.


Of course I'm no expert on infidelity, but I do have some experience with it.

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after i posted the question, my gf came and i did someting i had never done in my life!!!!!!!!......i lost it!!!!


i saw my best-friend...sorry ex best friend talking to Camille...the girl my gf cheated with. they are friends and she knew what was going on from the beginning, she also knows that they had sex but still she is friends with her.


I lost it and started hitting on my gf....she hit me back....infront of Camille!!!!


i am done. I am so angry with my best friend and my gf.


i am so hurt right now i cannot even think straight. how can ppl be like this??????

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after i posted the question, my gf came and i did someting i had never done in my life!!!!!!!!......i lost it!!!!


i saw my best-friend...sorry ex best friend talking to Camille...the girl my gf cheated with. they are friends and she knew what was going on from the beginning, she also knows that they had sex but still she is friends with her.


I lost it and started hitting on my gf....she hit me back....infront of Camille!!!!


i am done. I am so angry with my best friend and my gf.


i am so hurt right now i cannot even think straight. how can ppl be like this??????


I'm sorry to hear this. Are you okay? I can't even imagine going through something like this.


Neither one of these two people deserve to have you in their lives.

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I am so sorry this happened to you! So, it sounds like the whole thing was not a joke after all. They just said it was a joke to cover up the fact that your gf wanted to "hook up." You are better off without her. She has been playing games with you and knows that you are in love with her. She's totally taking you forgranted. You are hurting and I know that you are in love with this person, but she is not and has not been treating you the way that you deserve to be treated.


I think you should end it and move on and maybe stay away from the girl who was your best friend because she does not sound like a friend at all. She has been showing you her true colors for some time now.


GL and keep us posted!



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u know what, if i had listened to u guys before i would not even be in this situation!!!! i have learnt my lesson and i just hope i find the strenth to move on and get over all this drama.


Right now i want nothing to do with any of them. They totally played me for a fool but u know whta hurts even more.....my best friend's betrayal!!!


I don't need ppl like that in my life so now i just have to take things one day at a time until I can say i am over it!!!


Thanks alot guys.

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No problem. You felt that you were doing the right thing before and listened to your heart. Time and experience taught you that they were playing you and they hurt you. It is going to take some time to get over this. Your ex best friend is a biotch. You deserve better from a friend and a girlfriend.


If you want to chat or vent feel free to PM me.



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