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Could she have 'invented' a boyfriend?


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There's a quiet, fairly shy girl at work who I really REALLY like. A mutual friend has told her this (apparently) and (apparently) the reply was that sorry, but she has a bf... Now, I may be doing some serious mis-interpretation, but I'm getting a lot of signs from this girl that suggest she likes me too, and I seem to be getting more 'signs' every week (her following me around, [uncharacteristically] starting conversation with me and no one else, the smiles and laughing responces to my jokes where others stare blankly back etc


Does anyone think that it could be possible that she's very shy about these things and said she has a bf (when maybe she doesnt) because of this, or so she can have a chance to decide how she feels about me, being uncertain, or...? Basically, what Im saying is she apparently has a bf but still seems interested in me. Could the bf be made up?

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The only way to know is to tell her what's in your mind. Maybe she made that up as a way to tell you she's attractive and she can have a relationship. She might also tell you that because she really wants you as a boyfriend. Or to make you jealous or try harder? Maybe she's just scared. Maybe she just wants to make you feel better. NO ONE CAN READ MINDS- dont assume the negative. Put yourself out there. There's no reason you shouldnt have that girl if you tried enough. Girls want to feel noticed- on a deeper level. Remember that.


There's no other way. Tell-her-how-you-feel. Trust your gut- it's usually right. See for yourself where she stands... and let her see where you do

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That's why you shouldn't listen to 3rd party information. You never know what the motivation is for that person saying what they are saying.


If you think she is interested, it is quite possible! Ask her to hang out with you sometime - coffee, dessert, a movie. See what her response is.


good luck!!!!

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Perhaps this mutual friend wasn't honest with you?


That's what I was wondering. I've talked to a closer friend about this situation and she said she thinks from what I've said that the mutual friend likes me Lol...


I'm gonna try and be brave and speak to her about it face to face! Or has anyone got any subtle questions I could ask that may reveal if she has a bf or not... not just a blunt question, something that would slip into conversation? Ta for the help!

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If this girl realized that you have feelings for her, it probably changed the way she looks at you. No one can tell for sure if she likes you, but she KNOWS that you like her. thereforeeee, she can figure with some certainty that you focus on her more than anyone else in a group. Perhaps she's flattered or intrigued with the idea that you like her. Its like blood in the water for a shark. You released a little compassion, a little love, and she is happy to have received it. So she threw some back at you. Sorry to say, this doesn't prove she feels the same way. You let your feelings slip and now she has more confidence when she's around you. Advantage, her .

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