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I would love the day she contacts me does it happen!!!!

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Hi all,


I have been split from my ex now for about 8months, N/C for about 4months, which has helped me alot


I still wish that text, or email would come out of blue, although I must be improving as I am not looking at my phone as much!!!!


Should I send her a xmas card - or would that show her that I am still pining for her........



I would love the day she contacts me! I do love her and her daughter still, and no d\tes since have even came close to what I felt for her.


can it take a long time ??

I am strong now, and if she doesent I am more ready to tell myself its her loss etc


do they regret there decisions though !!!

anyone has had experience of ex's regretting dumping the person, and does it take a long time ?

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You've done a great job, why ruin 4 months of showing your resolve because of a holiday? The fact that she has not contacted you as well sure gives some added weight to NOT sending her a card. I know it is difficult even more so because of her daughter. If this is more about the daughter than the ex, send the daughter a gift (as in mail it) with no expectations of gratification. The ex has probably moved on and as much as you would like to send her something, don't and don't expect anything in your mailbox from her. Again, the NC is to help you heal and move on, it's not a chess match to win her back. I'm very surprised after 8 months and 4 of it NC, that you haven't realized how much better off you are without her. As for dating other women, give them a chance and stop comparing them to the ex. One thing is for sure if you want to compare, they (your dates) haven't wrecked your world as your ex has. Go find happiness, you deserve it.

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Coolbloke1978 is rigth when he says that it happens when you don't expect them to call and when you have finally make it to the point where your not dependant on them anymore. There is a possibility they can call you in a short period of time or maybe they will call you years from now. Or even maybe never at all. It depends on the situation and that person.


My g/f called me 2 months after she broke up with me. I never expected her to even call me at all, so it was a big surprise.

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Got an email from an ex after 5 years of NC. I had stronger feelings for her at the time and she just wanted to go out and do the party/clubbing life. We weren't even together a whole year and she has yet to find someone better than me. It's ironic how she now wants me after all this time and I have zero interest in her aside from being friends. So it's true, if they decide to contact you again chances are you won't have any feelings for them and won't even find them attractive, emotionally or physically.

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My ex contacted me for the first time in 3 months 2 weekends ago. Before that, I had done all the contacting and finally just gave up and did it for 2 weeks, then broke it, then another 2 weeks and she broke it. However, she told me she would call me later in the week and never did. Oh well, I kinda expected it and dont plan on breaking NC to see why she didnt.


Remember, even if they do call, that doesnt mean anything. You have to play the game they are playing with you also. That means that you let them take 3 steps forward before you take 1. You have to give off the "I dont need you" attitude which is the complete opposite of the "I love you, I need you, I want you back" attitude you had after the breakup to push them away.

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