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Dang it, I'm tired of missing my ex

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I've been doing NC for 1 month, 1 day, and I'm sick and tired of thinking about her and missing what we had. I know we had all those bad problems. I know that she wasn't getting any better. But I can't seem to get over her.


Been going to a counselor for 1 1/2 months now, not helping much. Read books, tons of messages on these forums, and still keep going back down low. I broke it off with her... and she hasn't called. I think that if she did that would make me feel a little better.


And yes, I know I have a co-dependancy problem that I'm still trying to solve. But no matter what I do I can't stop thinking about her. How she was a good person under all the problems she and I had. Simple fact is I had a connection with her that I've never hard with anyone in my entire life. (family included)


So what else can I do here? I'm driving myself nuts trying to stick with this NC and get over her. But so much of me doesn't want to let go. Help please!

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Ahhh dude,I know how you feel.I know everybody sez this and I know you hate to hear it but its true."Time heals all wounds".The first couple months suck the most.But you will get better.I havent seen my ex in almost 5 months.I still think about her a million times a day.The thing is,its not so painful to think about her anymore.I highly recomend you go rent the movie Swingers.That movie gives the definition of why NC is so important.Stay strong my friend.Dont give her the satisfaction of knowing what shes done to you.

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Oh, I know exactly what you feel. I'm so sick and tired of myself. We had a destructive relationship and the best was to break-up, but now when he finally made up his mind 2 months ago it was soo hard. We have had N/C since then and it's so hard. I know it's the best for us, but i still can't deny i would love him to call me, would love to hear his voice and how he's doing. i mean after so many years it feels like he's dead. i would like to talk to him, to know if he's seeing someone else. But obviously he doesn't care. I do all the things a person can do to forget: reading, working-out, going out alot with friends, dating other guys, getting involved with them and getting attention, but it just doesn't help. i keep thinking of him.

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